Please welcome our newest member -- SAS_Trp_Hexen.
He passed the ultimate SAS test tonight with a result many can envy him.
SAS_Miles and SAS_Ghost assisted during the tryout, while SAS_Noer observed.
Please welcome our newest member -- SAS_Trp_Hexen.
He passed the ultimate SAS test tonight with a result many can envy him.
SAS_Miles and SAS_Ghost assisted during the tryout, while SAS_Noer observed.
Welcome to the clan Hexen.
Well done !
Nice job Hexen! congrats
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Welcome to the Mighty 22nd [SAS] EVR Hexen
Yeah congrats hexen, you deserved it
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Yes! Congrats Hexen! Must be such a relief eh?
Well done Hex.
Like they say after you pass your driving you learn how to drive.
Train hard..fight easy and welcome to the brotherhood
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Congrats Hexen.
Glad to see you made it, finally.
At last congratulation hexen, proud to have you onboard.
Nicely Done Hexen,
You make us proud with your efforts.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Great Job and congrats!
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
Congrats Hexen, had fun going stealth, and especially the breaching and claymores yesterday.
glad to see it finally happened i knew you would make it
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Good, well done m8.
Welcome on board Hexen........

Bugger M8 you made it, 8O 8O
you are now a member of the mighty.......
I am glad that the trooper rank finaly gets one more..
Remember, you are now the part off the gruppe that is the backboone of the regiment.
Nice one Hexen. Congratulations
Great job Hexen! You deserve it!
Nice job. Welcome aboard.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hello [SAS],
I don't know how to thank you for all your welcoming messages and more importantly for your efforts training me and spending time on my behalf, i suppose a thank you might be a good start
Thank You.
I can safely say this is the most proud moment of my Virtual Life. You will not regret giving me the honour and opportunity to represent the best coop clan the world has and will ever see.
I am sad to see my recruit period pass, as i can say it was a lot of fun being the centre of attention on the server :wink:. Fortunately that sadness is overshadowed my excitement of being an [SAS] Trooper and all that entails
Thank You All.
Congrats Hexen. :yoda
I remember my time as a trooper some bloody good training times.
Nice done Hexen you have my congratz
Fire at will!