Pet Peeves S4

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Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
Pet Peeves S4

So, I contemplated making a pet peeves list for SWAT 4, and here I am, if you'd like, blow off some steam here, so we can all agree on certain things. I guess I should start, seeing as how I'm here and all.

--Firstly, I hate when someone comes into the server and starts giving commands during an EL's command, I've mentioned it earlier, I have to many voices in my head already.
--Secondly, I hate when people elect themselves as leader, and I don't mean an sas member taking an EL position, but some random dude who just joined before a mission. That person will decide to GET IN MY LINE OF FIRE, CUT ME OFF, AND OVERALL GET ON MY NERVES, NO MATTER HOW FEW I HAVE AT THE TIME. But I digress. They also may give orders just to hear the sound of their own voice, orders that you are already carrying out, just so they can tell themselves they're in charge or something.
--Well, theres a couple, throw some of your own in. I think while I may be the only one to say, I think some others mutually agree.

Btw, are the dates on dates joined off or something? 2006 can't be right.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago

When playing SWAT4 ever more so then other games it annoys me when:

0.) Some one stands infront of a door and pops it, some how does not get killed by the bullet they begged for for stupidy and walks away on one leg.

1.) Some one that elects them selfs "Rear Guard Mirror Man" during a Dynamic raid.

2.) Some one who pops doors on people.

3.) People that can't stack, don't know what a stack, and don't care to know what the heck a stack is.

4.) People that don't have any trigger control

5.) People that shoot me in the arm or leg

6.) People that only use LTL

7.) People that only care about the score

8.) People that just shoot to kill.

9.) People who cheat

10.) People that use flashbangs/stingers/c2/bsg on a stealth mission

11.) pests who passes #1 man when moving because #1 is walking to keep STEALTH

12.) ****AW)Y!*)$Y!Y$! that think they know every thing but couldn't find a tactical concept in their heads if Jessica Simpson begged them.

13.) People that move in groups but only can cover 45 degrees forward of the groups travel - then wonder how the got shot from behind.

14.) People that have no respect for servers they are not hosting or owning.

15.) "I told you not to do that"

16.) SWAT4 is only a half finished game and the Exp Pack is implemented as a Mod. Probably why the released a few semi-useful docs on how to mod S4 /w the SDK when they switched dev teams.

17.) unrealistic balence of several things IMHO

18.) AK47s that can kill operators in Level-III armor with one shot

19.) A game that really needs a pair of SLI'd Geforce 7950s to run smooth

20.) The game sucks IMHO for playing at a rapid dynamic pace

21.) Since the AI is the first thing to teach new players about room entry/clearing/stacking/deploying methods - they teach a lot of very bad habits

22.) People that are rear guard and try to pass point man during a flash bang and clear

23.) When the designated deployer preps a B and every one else tosses nades too !

24.) Poor admin and control systems

25.) Any thing decent was implemented in the $$$Mod$$$ S4:TSS.

26.) Few missions and auto-map-download disabled server/client side by default

27.) Strong Advers based game design for a game ment to be "Tactically, Teamly, and Realsticly" played.

28.) Doors that open one way

29.) It's the first game I've ever seen you can slam your self in the face with a door 20 times over trying to close it

30.) Not very flexible in any way

31.) Repitive and poorly planned V-Com structure for Repsonses/Statments.

32.) Lack of offical support - they dumped the product quickly

33.) SWAT3 was a lot more fun and had many advantages to it over SWAT4 - IMHO.

I could go on for another two weeks Langley ^_^

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

Hmmm looks like Spidey took all my arguments Lol even if it is in SWAT4 many of the things could happen in RavenShield, the thing i hate of all is lonewolfes when you play a CO-OP game.

Fire at will!

Last seen: 14 years 1 week ago


Here you go..

Last seen: 2 years 9 months ago

Well count me in on most of Spidey's comments. But I also hate:

-You deploy a C2 and yell "gogogo" to signalize it'll blow in 1 sec and a smartass deicdes to open the door and waste the C2.

-EL orders a Bang and clear and people throw stings or even better GAS.

-People who use stings/gas on worst moments possibly and disabling half of the team and occasionaly getting them killed.

-EL orders breach bang and clear and people lockpick the door anyway.

-People who use LTL on point AND 2nd position.

-People who shoot handcuffed suspects.

-When I'm point and we have to clear a big room consisting of 2-3 danger areas and plan is to bang and clear first part then cover and bang next part, well when on first bang we enter clear then as point I move to next danger point and wait for bang and cover people come and sit in (cutting my LOF) front of me and when bang goes off they move in first.

-When you are EL and assign equipment and at end ask "did everyone get that?" they all sey yes but when you have to wedge a door they go "Was I supposed to bring 2 wedges? you should have said that."

And spidey I could play the game quite well on a GF 5700 FX and after that I got GF 6800 ultra 256 mb AGP and could play on max detail with 95% no lag but when i bought 2 gig of ram that helped out a lot to make lag disappear, now with the 7800gtx I can play S4 with no probs so I don't think you really need a SLI gf 7950 Biggrin .

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago

I play all my games on a 256mb Geforce 5500

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

Two words Langley... Anger - Management.

Jk. Though i haven`t experienced it too much.. Most of the people playing on the TG1 RVS server is serious people, but that doesnt mean that you dont get the asswipes in there aswell sometimes. As for the SWAT 4 SAS server.... Thats antother story. Stay tuned.

Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago

Langley, you won't ever never be able to play without meeting a player that does that. Sad to say but there will always be a new or dumb player to do those things.

Wink so the solution i f you reaaaly can't stand this is to come only when the game is 4/5 full of SAS members

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 14 years 1 week ago

Solution for Swat4 is this:

SAS member log in. write "showids" and then" kickid #" and then goodbye idiot. (Of course first after 2 warnings Biggrin )

SAS_Noer who hates morrons on the S4 server.

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago

I agree with just about everything on this list...

And Spidey, I think I could find just about any tactical concept in my head if Jessica Simpson asked me to. If Scarlett Johanson asked me I would draw up a tactical plan that could surpass D-Day and Operation Overlord.


Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago

Hehehe Merge Smile

-People who use stings/gas on worst moments possibly and disabling half of the team and occasionaly getting them killed.

Just like mee!!

I've played S4 with a ATI Radeon 9800 256MB + 512MB DDR and a Geforce 6200 256MB + 2058MB DDR2. I can play on any setting but it's not "smooth", I like fast flowing fluidly movement and it just doesn't feel right for me. Looks darn nice on very high @ 1280x768 but it's not as good as BF2 is.

Of course though my video card is rubbish, it can tackle most games no problemo at high settings but it can't do it at high resolutions. I can play RvS but I can't play it at highest @ 1600x1200. Sad

One of the things that also pisses me off about SWAT4 is when a tango shoots you through the corner of a wall. In S3 they could /w a high power FMJ rifle if they machine gunned a thin wall but these punks do it first shot with 22cal's in a game that doesn't support that level of physics!

Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago

I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem. I can barely stand a teamkill from a guy I know, let alone someone who is constantly killing suspects on sight. I might say things like,"I'm torn", or, "S***", or "GAWD D*****!!!" or other things that signify my outburst, but not venting these feelings just makes me explode on some random friggin person, and no one winds up happy. I'm a forgiving person, but I hate idiots, and no, I don't mean anyone who accidentally (I use that term loosely) team kills someone.

--And I'm thinking of a new policy for non sas personnel; You kill a teammate, you are now officially a tango. Patent pending of course. I think it's the safest way to deal with "shady" induviduals, and can help to keep the rest of the team alive...just in case of course.
BTW, when are there 4 sas in at one time, haven't seen it in a while now, maybe they all log on after I go to bed, in some massive conspiracy, but I digress, but I'm gettin the itch, problem is I ain't got nuthin to scratch.

Oh, and I'm contemplating changing my log name to Rapture, and my real name to Max Power. Rapture just sounds cool, but I think it's religious or something, I'll look into that, and Max Power...well comon, thats just friggin awesome.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago

So you got that off a hair drier did you ? Hehheha

I think Jay had a simular feeling for TK'Pukes but I stick to a modified version of [SAS] Regulations dictated by my commen sense Smile

I make use of taser or pepperspray for self defense till I can kick hehe

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago

Go Gez! Go Gez!

Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago

I can't kick, and most tkers are on when sas members are not at present, so I must stick to more...traditional methods. I force feed em lead till they taste dust.


I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 2 months 4 days ago

To mention something here about the post that started this rant....
SWAT4:TSS solves your problems with voting for leader. Only the elected leader has the command menu until he dies then it passes on to another player for the rest of the round or until that person dies and so on.

Most of the other concerns are people related. People are the same whereever you go. There is good and bad, in everyone. We need to learn to live together. LOL 8O


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment



Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago

Well, I think we've all seen how living together works. Lol

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 14 years 1 week ago

People are the same whereever you go. There is good and bad, in everyone. We need to learn to live together. LOL 8O

Well well now we all know who to go see when we need the big questions of life answered. His holyness the Dalai Random.. Blum 3

Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago

I don't play SWAT so haha...but many of these rants apply to various games. But for me that can now be solved with a few easy steps.

1) Setup your XBox 360
2) Put in the Gears of War XBox 360 game into the XBox 360
3) Turn on the XBox 360
4) Log into XBox Live
5) Join a ranked match in Gears of War
6) Cut up people like Thanksgiving Turkey with the Lancer Chainsaw Bayonet
7) Smack talk the noobs
Dirol Rinse and repeat steps 5-7 as needed