Greetings [SAS] Brethren,
It is my pleasure to announce the following promotions in rank...
[SAS]_Cpl_Noah ---> [SAS]_Sgt_Noah
[SAS]_LCpl_Rouge ---> [SAS]_Cpl_Rouge
Please offer these members your compliments and your continued support as they start preparing for their new roles.
You both have your work cut out for you... so start reading what is new to you.. and then roll up your sleves and start getting it done.
Congradulations to you both. In accordance with regulations regarding promotions, you are both hereby awarded a MID Commendation for your promotions.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Very big congratulations you two
Keep up the good work:)
Congratulations. Well deserved.
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Congratulations you two.
very well deserved Rouge
Congrats guys.
I think we all agree, very well deservered.
For the guys who didnt get a promo this time, these are what i see as the reasons for these well deserved promos
Noah - Long term commitment to the team, and much input in all things technical, including complex web problems.
Rouge - Works hard as a LCpl, has taken the time to step up to the bar and conduct training, and trooper tryouts.
So there u go guys, thats how to get promoted
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Congrats to both off you. Well diserved.
Rouge godt gået kammerat (danish)
SAS_Noer :smokin:
Congratulations, Noah and Rouge!
Congratulations Noah and Rouge. Well deserved..
Congratulation Noah and Rouge. Well done!
Now, all your hard work is DONE. You can just sit back, relax and pass orders out to the lower ranked. :laugh:
My congratulations to you fine men.
You have done the regiment a fine service thus far, and I expect many great things from you men in the future.
You dared to win!
Sgt Jakub
Train Hard - Fight Easy
Congratulations to both of you. Well deserved. You two serve as excellent examples for members and recruits alike.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Good job!
Fint jobbat Rouge
'When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.' --- 37% of Americans agree that while they would hate being British, they wouldn't mind having a British accent. --- Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
Congratulations to you both yes it is well deserved
Congratulations to both of you!
Good job guys....congrats!
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Well done! I hope you enjoy your new ranks.
Hopefully I don't get in trouble for posting here.
But grats sirs, good to see you climbing up the ladder! :beers:
Many thanks all around and congrats to Rouge, who has shown extreme dedication thus far.
you got the promo's. Now it's your time to pay and serve out some beers.
Have fun,
Nice to see, congrats rouge u worked hard for it.