Well am making a come back on RvS and as usual any other games ya can throw at me so i should see yas all soon for thoes of you that can remember me.
Well am making a come back on RvS and as usual any other games ya can throw at me so i should see yas all soon for thoes of you that can remember me.
Hoo Ha..
Welcome back fang
Rvs,S3,S4,Bf2 take your pick
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
oo yeh almost forgot the games il be playing when i get back on properly will be :-
battle field 1942 with the desert combat mod
Raven shield (Of course)
World of warcraft (With x =RC=Kane)
Swat 3
Swat 4
Battle Field 2
Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter
And many many more take ya pick and il probably play it lol.
G’day mate!
Nice list of games, hopefully will add Armed Assault to that!
Also Operation Flashpoint is a nice title to add for a few bucks.
Good to hear from you again and I hope to see you in game!
Sgt Jakub
Train Hard - Fight Easy
Welcome Back White-Fang...
I look forward to playing beside you once more... perhaps you could add the original GR to your list also... I do love that game so...
We will be online... join us when you can. I will check our passwords section and grant you access to the TS Server and Friends Level password.. Just click on the Ops Room link, then Passwords to view what you need.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
WhiteFang why don't you bring Glock whit you aswell?
Anyways welcome back looking forward to play whit you again.
[SAS] once again proves itself to be the co-op gaming equivalent of a quantum singularity.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Fang, what server do you and Kane play on for WoW?
cheers for that one adze you aint changed a bit
and thank you random (i Think)
not sure yet fury but when i got my adsl installed on the 29th il be finiding out.
Long time no see White Fang.... good to see you found your way back again....
Thamk you very much En4cer
FANG!!! my god dude, long time no talk. I never see you on aim at all anymore. Its seriously been over a year since we were even in the same server together. You still talk to kane? as in our leader in =RC= kane? I thought i'd never hear from him again. Tell him i said whats up.
Ratmike: Dude, remember when you farted on TS
Professor: Hahaha kind of...i remember moe got pissed
Ratmike: LOL! yeah he was like "DAMNIT! that woke up my family! i had my speakers up"
lol hey pro yeh im back lol couldant stay away from here lol. yeh bud il be playing RvS pretty soon again, yeh thats the kane im on about hes doing quite qell for him self too he plays world of warcraft witch i will also be playing with him, hes hot his own business now http://www.mogbroker.com its only been up for 2 months and hes made 6k in sales already, il see ya in game again soon bro.
hey white fang long time no see i just now saw this and said dang i remeber the olds we had on RvS :tired:
John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that they lay down their life for their friends.