AAO MOUT Killhouse

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
AAO MOUT Killhouse

I decided to relax, bu rather then play online I hit training. Played through the killhouse, cleared it in 1:15, 2bangs /w 87% + 27 Tangos down, no Friendly losses. I failed for not meeting the minimal score exspected of the army. So I played through it a few times trying to perfect things, but each time some dang instructure looking target would popup in my path and catch a bullet.


This time was great, I only used one flashbang for the initial point of entry (they freeze the timer). I enganged 36 X-Rays with 0 Friendly kills at 85% accuracy with an M9 9x19mm pistol. I cleared the house in 1:01, probably would've been 1:05 without the one flashbang. The problem of time is it takes awhile to use bangs or reload Smile

Any one think they can do it in under 50sec? I know I'm game Biggrin

Last seen: 17 years 12 months ago

You're on... :glasses:


Last seen: 17 years 12 months ago

I got your scoreboard in the Photo Gallery. I didn't make time, but it's impressive all the same.


Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

I gave it a quick run with an M4 and 3 Flashbangs, s'ok but not that great.
35/0 Op4/FF at 92% hit, 3 bangs clear in 1:05.

I drilled and stormed with an M9, no bangs and got 33/0 Op4/FF /w 86% hits, no bangs at 0:57 clear time, broke my record but it was very sloppy. On several retries some Civi target that looked like a guy chucking something got capp'd allot for coming out of no where.

I told my self I can do better and I did.

54 Seconds (just turned 54 when I popp'd the door). No flashbangs, M9 pistol only without bringing my sights up. Only engaged 32 Op4 but no friendlies lost. 88% accuracy.

I'm a proud member of the [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment, nothing stands in the way of doing things with both speed and profession. With a 2-4 man patrol we could clear that building in under 35-45 seconds easy.

They say, train hard and fight easy, well I'm ready for some more training. Who's game for a few days hard core essential skills refresher ?

I know I'm not at all good but I hope it shows that one can bring an honorable score to his Regiments training. If a lowly spider can pull off a bit of SAS (Speed, Agression, Supprise). Just think what you can do as part of a team Smile

Hooyah !

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago

Hmm, I ran over 1:30 in time but my scores for the m4 ran at 14000 roughly and for the m9 run at 13500 with 90 percent accuracy or higher. All I've been doing was MOUT as I'm waiting for 2.7 to be released. XD


My MOUT shots are at my blog here:



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