I'm sure everybody will see it on the TV but here is the info anyway.
It seems that a terrorist plot to blow up trans-atlantic flights in the air has been foiled. It seems that this was going to be done using liquid explosives.
The UK police/security services have arrested 25 people, 21 of whom remain in custody. The terrorists are believed to have been born in the UK.
There are special security measures being taken at UK and US airports. Almost no hand luggage is being allowed. Only basically wallet and travel documents. The US has specifically banned passengers from carrying any liquid onto flights (with a few exceptions - baby milk etc which will have to be proven safe by drinking some).
There is still not much info at the moment though. Check http://www.bbc.co.uk/news for the latest throughout the day.
I was working in the gym when this story broke. We turned down the music and turned up the TV.
I'm really glad they caught the idiots who were going to do this. I'm sure we all have very strong opinions about this and so we should, these people murder hundreds or sometimes thousands of innocent people for a cause the rest of the world couldn’t care less about, and why don’t we care? Cause so many innocent people have died from it! I am not for any war but I except one soldier killing another however I will never accept the slaughter of civilians.
These people should be put away in a little dark room for the rest of there lives.
I don’t care what creed a man follows or by what name he calls God, we are all human and we must all learn to get along!
Sgt Jakub
Train Hard - Fight Easy
The suspects were born in Britain... :eek:
Much like many of the ones involved in the previous large terrorist attack.
I dunno how I didn't see this thread, I remember ma told me some thing about it (between 0700-815, not a good time).
It's on CNN now, umm still.
just some more info..
Most Airlines in the UK have cancelled some or all flights.
Some major Airports are Closed.
And i have sourced this document....LINK
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Not to make light of the events, but it sounds like it has potential to be converted to a liveop... :nerd:
Bravo to the UK Security Services.
The tricky thing security-wise is that the terrorists apperantly held liquids that separately are innocent and usual -- it is after they are mixed, they become lethal.
The challenges for security personnel at airports are increasing...
HI5 for MI5.
Ok, who let the terrorists watch Die Hard III ?
I was listing to some of the security checks now in place here on the local news. My response: Yeah it might take you a year to get through the system but why isn't it like that all the time?
The fact that the last time I was in an airport (a pickup well prior to 9/11) security was very low, just about the level of a mall but /w a few extra guards and metal detectors. Took all day any way.
At Heathrow alone, 611 flights were cancelled today, affecting 190,000 passengers.
They hinted that the liquid might have been methyl Nitrate.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Isn't that what your shampoo is made of, Wiz?
Salt eh rouge?
Homeland Security lol. :smokin:.
Thats whats Google is for
Google? Blah Wikipedia !
Methyl nitrate is the methyl ester of nitric acid and has the chemical formula CH3NO3.
Bet ya can't draw its structural formula Spidey! :nerd:
I wouldn't dare:-}
Are these British names...? Would be an interesting touch if last guy on the list had a name like "Joe Smithers."
as far as i know, not. One guy was called something like that; but recently changed to a far eastern name.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Two of the 19 suspects are reported on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC channels to be British Nationals who converted to Islam and as such have names reflecting their change of religon.
Never trust a hermit with your cookie.
The world is mad about this whole terrorist event. I went to LAX with a handful of other officers from the SJ team and we worked security at the airport alongside LAPD SWAT. The departments had us dressed in FULL tactical gear (load bearing vest, boots, fatigued pants, throat mic radios), we had our sidearms and our primary weapons as well. The only thing they didnt make us wear were our kevlar helmets.
I caught glimpses of the news while I was in the airport as well, and I know this much: If I ever meet an American news reporter who asks me one of their trademark, idiotic questions, I'm going to hit him... hard. It's amazing to see how the people reacted as well. Some were glad to see us out there, thinking that it made them feel safer. Others still were too mortified by the long lines at check-in and security to even notice our presence.
DANG it sorry, clicked reply instead of new topic !
What's a 'British' name? No such thing in my opinion. Don't have to be John Normal to be British. In fact my name is biblical, so it probably has Hebrew origins or something like that.
I'm sure many of you have heard that they are struggling to find evidence to convict these people. The British government is blaming the Americans because it forced them to move to quickly.
The British wanted to wait an extra week for the terrorists to make a dry run because as of yet they have not found plan tickets, explosives or any solid evidence.
Stay tune for further reports and the weather after these few words from our sponsors.
Sgt Jakub
Train Hard - Fight Easy