Of jobs and riches

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Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Of jobs and riches

If some one offered you the opitunity to have any job in the world you wanted what would it be?

For me it would be junior/assitant system administrator of some sort for a network some where or at a ISP using BSD systems. + paid to devote proper time to get a better education on the systems most inernal guts. As well as proper chance to learn much and many more things related to the job I can only work on between work time & [SAS].

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

Go do it then. Hound down some local companies and do it.

Don't get worked up about what type of system they have, because you'll be learning mostly the same stuff whatever OS they use.

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

I'd want a job as a racing driver. Now THAT's a proper job!

Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago

I'd want to be drill instructor of somekind of spec ops unit. :devil:

Last seen: 18 years 1 month ago

Well I guess this is as good a time as any.

I'm planning on switching careers, and the job you ask us to name is the job that I am going to pursue: my dream job.

After a few more years here in California, once I have the cash, I am going to enlist in the Army. Hopefully once I can get my contract to go through and talk to my recruiter about my intended Military Occupational Specialty (18X), then I will have a big enough bankroll to live comfortably for a while should the opportunity fail me. I am going to join the Army Special Forces, more commonly refered to as the Green Berets, or maybe as an Army Ranger. Of either choice I have not yet decided.

That's my dream job...

(I sure can't wait for Basic Training. I'm gonna show those boys how you deal with CS gas in the chamber at BCT. Hell, I could practically use it as nasal spray right now... though I don't reccomend this to anyone.)


Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago

World Chief Prosecutor.


Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

I hope you can get a good thing going with that merge. 18X is supposed to at least garentee the option of trying for SF. With your background in SWAT you could probably serve very well in the army, exspecially if you ended up with in-house fighting during MOUT, you'd just have to remember to shoot the threats first and worry about arresting them later Smile

PS: My dad would probably agree with you Adze.

Don't get worked up about what type of system they have, because you'll be learning mostly the same stuff whatever OS they use.

it was a rethorical question of what peoples dream jobs are, not a questioning of spiders, James:P

Off topic but so see my PM.

Edited as soon as ma would let me back to my console.

Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago

My dream job?

Being a director for both video game development and book based RPG's.


Never trust a hermit with your cookie.