Rainbow six las vegas

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Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago

I'm not all too keen to the Call of Duty 2/Halo 2 style treatment to health in Vegas. Sounds kinda bad to me in the multiplayer side as more people would be encouraged to play Vegas as nothing more than a Counter Stirke Source clone and then complain as a well entrenhed team ripped them apart with LMG fire and well played AR shots (this happens a lot in Xbox 360 Live matches for Advanced Warfighter). A more constrictive health system a la SWAT 4 with a mild medic system would better fit to the ground idea of what Rainbow Six up to Raven Shield has established (imo).

As for gunplay, if Vegas's weapon systems shares the antics in Red Steel in how the guns reload and fire, sign me up.


Never trust a hermit with your cookie.

Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago

I bought Half Life so I could get Counter Strike in the early days, I think it was a pretty good game, atleast I got a chock or two when these small brain looking creatures attacked you suddenly. :laugh:
I have never tried HL2, but Surfy are you sure you didnt just like it because of the graphics? Apprently you are a little graphic-horney freak Blum 3

Last seen: 15 years 12 months ago

recon i am a graphic horney freak! I-m so happy but i cannot understand how anyone could say half life 2 sucked when ive talked to so many ppl that have raved over it. the AI in HL2 is amazing. my favorite character in the game was Dog. i laughed more and more with what he did then any game ive played in my life. The AI just blew me away...that combined with hot graphics...oh...yessss....that makes surfy horney! nothing like a well programmed computer game. :smokin:

Last seen: 17 years 5 months ago

Meh, for the hay day of Half Life's engine... it was ugly. REALLY UGLY compared to the Unreal Tech engine behind Tatical Ops mod (later retail game) and Infiltration mod for Unreal Tourny 1999. HL was an ok game in the vien of Quake gameplay. What story just wasn't told very well in my opinion. The feeling of, "What the hell is going on!?" bit was nice but failed to ultimately explain what purpose Xen had as a border world. It took Blue Shift expansion and even HL2 to explain why Xen was even slightly important.

I will say this, The Hidden mod for Half Life 2 = a very fun and wicked game.


Never trust a hermit with your cookie.
