Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction??
I personally prefer fiction, exspecially Science Fiction, explore new worlds, new civilizations, learn about interesting technologies, ponder about the future All the best things either in Sci-Fi or Fantasy all seem to roam around Fictional for me:)
Dispite my opening comment, I actually prefer Star Wars to Star trek
Im more of a Fantasy/Sci-Fi kinda guy, but Ill read most fiction. My two favorite books are both by Orwell, 1984 and Animal Farm.
I don't care much for science fiction in general.
Either you go back in time or you stay in the present.
I especially enjoy reading about Rome in its glory days, the hundred years war or military books like Tom Clancy.
But I rarely finish the books I start reading, its a really bad habit.
(I blame it on the TV and the PC).
I read mostly sience-fiction/fantasy, because those always amuse me. I'm too lazy to search withing the huge mass or other Novels.
I'm very open-minded ... so ... Both!!!
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Do remember Recon it dosn't have to be future & Sci-Fi to be Fiction:)
Our library also classifes books as Fiction or Non Fiction and then sub catorgoizes from there.
LOL Aren’t you pushing it a little bit too far there mate, I mean almost all books written in the world contains some sort of fiction.
I’m pretty sure u and the other knew what I meant whit what I wrote above.
Yeah I know what you ment but I'm a hyper-technical type :alien:
Damn, how many times did that **s of a teacher make me write fingere fixi fixtum. fingere fixi fixtum. Thanks for bringing that back!
I wonder how many hardened [SAS] bods are Harry Potter readers?
*raises hand*
To someone who understands English Literature they are probably too simple, but if you want an easy read for holiday then they're great.
I really don't like fantasy or science-fiction books. I don't care for Harry Potter either. Recently everyone's been ranting about this DaVinci code, but if you ask me it's a poorly written pile of crap. I'm also not ashamed to admit that I watch a lot of telly and don't read as often as some do.
I voted for "I can't read". :ohwell:
Harry Potter I don't like. Not my cup of tea. And I'm with you on the DaVinci Code. Its not that good.
I have no read a book in years. That is probably realy bad.
Anyway last book I enjoyed was LOTRs so ill go with non-fiction.
I think Wiz was right, maybe you do need glasses mate.
I like both.
I like science fiction, Star Wars, Star Trek, I know some of us were talking about Battletech a few months back. I like them all, but like Spidey I like Star Wars the best, specifically the original trilogy characters.
But my major interest is aerial warfare during the second world war. Mainly european theatre as I'm canadian and thats mainly where we were involved, but I've also started reading about the pacific recently. So I like books that are historical accounts of this.
I like sci-fi, but manly the starwars, Battletech, and Warhammer 40.000 K. beside that my prim interest is 2nd world war. And I especially like to read about the European theater, the eastern front. I am fascinated buy the tactics and the differences in them (German, Russian and American) I like the Kursk offensive especial the great tank clash at Prokorovska