Happy Birthday Spidey... 18 should make you legal to drink alcohol but doesn't. But heck what do I know, I was getting beer at age 16.
You and me both, JB... lol
Happy 18th Spidey,
You do know that state laws across America allow for minors to consume alcohol on their private property if given consent by a parent/legal guardian? Don't you?
If a cop comes after you, send the ticket to me and I'll work something out :ninja:
Awww shucks thanks yall. -> And I'll have the root Leon ty you kindly you know it's my favorite:)
After this bowl of Birthday Chili it'd sure hit the spot.
I don't believe in drinking to get drunk, but I don't see the harm in a beer or two every now and then. If it tastes good that is. I've tasted Beer 2ce in my life, once at 4 years old and once at 17 years old. Both were of some kind of very cheap light beer. (VERY bad tasting too). So if I ever do get any it's got to be good.
A Beer that tastes good = I'll drink it.
My mothers Itallion, so she was having beer and wine at like 2 years old (a tradition.) I just never followed it, I can't stand her choice of beer.... that stuff tastes like it was brewed in an old shoe full of urine.
Now if yall want to chip in come my 21'st for some thing drinkible thats an idea;)
Dude i recommend Carling, Fosters, Stella and a nice Guininess nw and den!
(bear in mind im 16, but anyone from england will understand since im from yorkshire we are brought up to socialize in pubs but im not a heavy drinker no point im always skint!)
That Which Does No Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger!
Theres no such thing as a bad idea, just bad execution!
Stella, now there's a fine product right there. My absolute favorite import so far, and I would recommend that to you Spidey if you had the chance. I could also recommend some harder drinks, but that can wait til you're 21. If you want to go with a hard liquor that tastes great, then I would say you need to develop a taste for Scotch. I've got a few bottles here older than YOU, and one that's older than most of the people in the clan!
You should do, it definitely exists. Father Christmas, I'm not too sure about though.
Adze I don't know how to break it to you, but Santa Claus is fake. He died years ago in a tragic accident when he broke into my house through my bedroom window. I broke his neck with my bare hands before I realized who it was... His corpse is now buried in my backyard, and I shot the reindeer and kept the meat in my freezer. I still have some I think, I'm getting hungry...
You should do, it definitely exists. Father Christmas, I'm not too sure about though.
Adze I don't know how to break it to you, but Santa Claus is fake. He died years ago in a tragic accident when he broke into my house through my bedroom window. I broke his neck with my bare hands before I realized who it was... His corpse is now buried in my backyard, and I shot the reindeer and kept the meat in my freezer. I still have some I think, I'm getting hungry...
So that guy breaking into my house on Christmas Eve dressed in red saying he was Communist Claus was just stealing my stuff and not distributing it out to everyone? DAMMIT!
Stella, now there's a fine product right there. My absolute favorite import so far, and I would recommend that to you Spidey if you had the chance. I could also recommend some harder drinks, but that can wait til you're 21. If you want to go with a hard liquor that tastes great, then I would say you need to develop a taste for Scotch. I've got a few bottles here older than YOU, and one that's older than most of the people in the clan!
You gotta be kidding me. Stella!! try some Hoegaarden, now thats a fine Belgian Beer
I like them both, but too much Stella definitely gives me a headache! Don't know why that one in particular, but it does. Hoegaarden is worth buying just for the glass it comes in.
You gotta be kidding me. Stella!! try some Hoegaarden, now thats a fine Belgian Beer
Hey gimme a break, I am an American after all. We can make the most fantastic weaponry on the planet, cruise missles that can dig up a terrorist's ass from 400 miles away, bombs that can drop down a chimney much like Santa Claus .
Even with all this... we can't make a decent batch of beer... I can barely even stomach some of the stuff now, tastes like it was fermented with a few too many gym socks in there...
I'll take recommendations for good imports though, there's a bar down the road that gets you whatever you ask for and keeps it in a personal cooler... I'm a member, lol :glasses:
Happy 18th Spidey!
A glass of water is on the house, Spidey! Make it double, bartender!
Crate of water, coming up!!!
HB Spider! (don't worry, no alco, but there's some food over there in the corner!)
Happy birthday mate. I feel genuinely sorry for you that it's still illegal to drink alcohol. Still, have a good day anyway.
Yeah Spidey, have a good 18th man (What age is it before you can drink alcohol? i always thought 18 was too strict)
Have a good day LCpl. I have bought you beer, but i dont think it will keep for another 3 years...oh well... Burp :beers:
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Happy Birthday Spidey... 18 should make you legal to drink alcohol but doesn't. But heck what do I know, I was getting beer at age 16. :beers:
Happy birthday Spidey01! Bring out the root beer :laugh:.
Here you can have beer at 16!
Congrats Spidey, 18 is a fine age, all the best people are aged 18, currently.
Hppy Bday buddy
That Which Does No Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger!
Theres no such thing as a bad idea, just bad execution!
You and me both, JB... lol
Happy 18th Spidey,
You do know that state laws across America allow for minors to consume alcohol on their private property if given consent by a parent/legal guardian? Don't you?
If a cop comes after you, send the ticket to me and I'll work something out :ninja:
Awww shucks thanks yall. -> And I'll have the root Leon ty you kindly you know it's my favorite:)
After this bowl of Birthday Chili it'd sure hit the spot.
I don't believe in drinking to get drunk, but I don't see the harm in a beer or two every now and then. If it tastes good that is. I've tasted Beer 2ce in my life, once at 4 years old and once at 17 years old. Both were of some kind of very cheap light beer. (VERY bad tasting too). So if I ever do get any it's got to be good.
A Beer that tastes good = I'll drink it.
My mothers Itallion, so she was having beer and wine at like 2 years old (a tradition.) I just never followed it, I can't stand her choice of beer.... that stuff tastes like it was brewed in an old shoe full of urine.
Now if yall want to chip in come my 21'st for some thing drinkible thats an idea;)
If someone gives you beer for your birthday, I'd say give it to Willow.
Dude i recommend Carling, Fosters, Stella and a nice Guininess nw and den!
(bear in mind im 16, but anyone from england will understand since im from yorkshire we are brought up to socialize in pubs but im not a heavy drinker no point im always skint!)
That Which Does No Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger!
Theres no such thing as a bad idea, just bad execution!
Stella, now there's a fine product right there. My absolute favorite import so far, and I would recommend that to you Spidey if you had the chance. I could also recommend some harder drinks, but that can wait til you're 21. If you want to go with a hard liquor that tastes great, then I would say you need to develop a taste for Scotch. I've got a few bottles here older than YOU, and one that's older than most of the people in the clan!
Spidey 18 that is a´happy day there M8
18 beers (FF=Fine Festival (Tuborg)) comming your way ....hip hip hip hurra hurra for the LCpl and go go go go drink up there
what you cant drink you van allways giv to a alcoholik tropper ups that is me
happy birthday to you
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Spidey, since me and you can only drink a nice glass of water here, I have a nice warning poem.
Maybe throw in some spelling lessons while he's at it?
How did drinking come into this any way?
Congratulations Spiderman!
Hope you had a good day.
You should do, it definitely exists. Father Christmas, I'm not too sure about though.
Adze I don't know how to break it to you, but Santa Claus is fake. He died years ago in a tragic accident when he broke into my house through my bedroom window. I broke his neck with my bare hands before I realized who it was... His corpse is now buried in my backyard, and I shot the reindeer and kept the meat in my freezer. I still have some I think, I'm getting hungry...
So that guy breaking into my house on Christmas Eve dressed in red saying he was Communist Claus was just stealing my stuff and not distributing it out to everyone? DAMMIT!
Communist Claus.... Hmm, an interesting concept you got there Fury.
You gotta be kidding me. Stella!! try some Hoegaarden, now thats a fine Belgian Beer
I like them both, but too much Stella definitely gives me a headache! Don't know why that one in particular, but it does. Hoegaarden is worth buying just for the glass it comes in.
Hey gimme a break, I am an American after all. We can make the most fantastic weaponry on the planet, cruise missles that can dig up a terrorist's ass from 400 miles away, bombs that can drop down a chimney much like Santa Claus
Even with all this... we can't make a decent batch of beer... I can barely even stomach some of the stuff now, tastes like it was fermented with a few too many gym socks in there...
I'll take recommendations for good imports though, there's a bar down the road that gets you whatever you ask for and keeps it in a personal cooler... I'm a member, lol
If you asked them for a Newcastle Brown Ale, you'd be away! That's good stuff.