I am happy to announce that SAS_Ghost has passed the trooper's tryout with flying colours, and has earned the tags of a full member of the SAS.
SAS_Wiz assisted in the tryout, and SAS_Recon observed.
Congratulations, SAS_Trp_Ghost!
The Carlsberg is on you!
Congratulations to you. Well done.
Congratulations Ghost bloody good show. :beers:
Welcome to the brotherhood!
Well done Ghost. Welcome to the mighty 22nd
:pimp: :alien:
First round is on Ghost. Belly up to the bar folks
Great Job Ghost! Congratulation!
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Congrats Ghost.
No you can enjoy a nice break from training.
Ok breaks over.
I wont say no to a Carlsberg..or ten :laugh:
Great show there Ghost, no more tests we promise, now just concentrate on improving yourself further
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Congrats Ghost! Hard part is over.
Nice to hear !!!
Congrats Ghost and welcome to the MIGHTY!!!!
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
congrats keep it up
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Congratulations Sir!
*Stands to Attention and Salutes*
Served: 06/06/06 - 24/04/07
Thx for the words. I am glad and proud to finally be a full member of The Mighty. I hope I can contribute to bring the valuable legacy and training tradition off the SAS 22nnd E.V.R forward to the next generation of recruits. And Rct's mark my words when I say that "the hard and the long training is definitely needed for the tryouts.." Trust me once again because I know..P
Thank you for supports and necessary training assistance and like another great SAS NCO said -- no-one mentioned, no-one forgotten.
With reference to the LCpl 's demand for a round of Carlsberg. As a shiny new trooper I will gladly sponsor all the rounds off piss poor beer(Carlsberg) the LCpl can drink. But to the rest off the entire regiment, and to the troopers (the back Boone of any military unit) and the lads who did the tryout with me, I will only by the best beer in the world (Tuborg FF “Fine Festival” 7,8 “Varme kul kolde Tuborg” ( hot cools and cold Tuborg).
And like it has been said so offen “Spidey will have a virtual glass of water”.
Back to business I will still do what ever I can to improve my skill level to the highest level off perfection.
Former: SAS_ Senior_Rct_Ghost
Congratualtions, Ghost!
You've come from a long time ago, but still sticked with us.
Excellent work Ghost... you stuck to it... and now you can reap the rewards of full membership.
You have earned your tags... be proud and remember who you represent.
I have adjusted your position in the Mighty... you now rest with your Trooper brethren.
Nicely done.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
BTW Ghost you should consider getting the chat program called AIM many members still prefer it.
You can get the "SAS AIM List" in the "Members Section" under "Downloads".
Hello again Recon
I dont think, aim interferes with SAS-statisitk program, and the way in the future is X-fire for gaming. But I wil see if I cant get my problem fixet
But unfortunately we still have some old rats who don't like the change *cough* *cough* adze *cough* james *cough*
Hey Ghost
Damn good to see u onboard as Trooper.
Im sure we will have many good hours on the servers.
A Happy noer
Yes! Congrats Ghost!
This is true. I do think XFire is a piece of crap. I just use MSN and AIM.
AIM is still our preferred client. It is actually a compulsory part of being a member still.
Hijack over
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
As is X-Fire Wiz if I recall a topic from a past CO.
Don't be so cheap Ghost, you could at least make it a virtual glass of milk
Congrats Ghost & Welcome to the Mighty 22nd E.V.R. Ghost. You know what you need to work on, so get cracking after the parties over:)
"Accepting ones best, is only as good as how one may better one self further."
-> Unknown author.