I was wondrin' if [SAS] Training Ground #2 is being used or even active on Iron Wrath as the news topic on the home page suggests. If so is there any alternatives to downloading it from Fileplanet, as i have had problems downloading it there.
Thx, Hx
IW was taken down from server sometime ago. Some of the news postings on the homepage are a little out of date. I like the expansion, but main problem is that their was little online traffic for that game. People rarely played on the server, so that is why SAS dropped IW. I am not aware of an alternative place to download the game.
Tg2 is currently running SWAT4, but im not sure where to get IW from anymore, try UBI.com or just google it mate. it is quite a nice expansion to get though, some seriously tricky missions there.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
It would be nice if we had two servers one whit the original maps and one whit the expansions Athena Sword and Iron Wrath.
But as things are now, we don't have anyone to host a second RvS server.
And as Jso said the servers wasnt used much when we had two.
Ok, thanks everyone
Thats a bit dissapointing :ohwell: , [SAS] Training Ground #1 could use another Training Ground to relieve some of the demand on it.
Served: 06/06/06 - 24/04/07
We could deffently use one, no doubt.
You can find a link to download it from on the news posts if James posted it.
Speaking of this type of thing, what ever happened to Noer wanting to host a SWAT4 server??
I think it would be cool if we could port the maps from IW/AS to RvS for use in the game types suported there, but I doubt UBI would like us to do that now would they.
as far as i know spidey it cant be done
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Not without a law suit most likly.
I know I'm not enough of a map maker to be able to make a new map file in RvS following the IW files spec's
first yes porting maps fomr IR or AS is possible but ubi threatens to sue those that do, but i have only heard of them threatening those that were going to do lots of them and have them available for mass d/l, now if a small party did it internally i dont know what can be done with that, or even if they can sue period
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
I simply love some of the IW/AS maps -- some of them are really challenging, and I'd prefer to have some of them on our server.
D/L'ing IW is free, so it wouldn't be that much of an issue, if porting the maps into RvS could cause lenghty legal battles...
Tango AI is somewhat improved in Iron Wrath and lag issues too from what I noticed last summer.
I noticed the AI was more accuact and the Latency more important to get just "right"
Also I got much less hit% in IW then RvS normal but thats probably just my aim.