GRAW Demo Available

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Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

Well the game is a complete lag fest for me.

I have a Pentium 4 2.8 Ghz with a Gig of RAM and my video card is a fast 128 MB DDR NVIDIA card..

The starting chopper ride in is mega slow, the film feed is choppy at best and the speech is all broken up.

When we hit the ground, all the buildings were black. It was like landing at night, without NVG.

The demo does not impress me... nor can I upgrade right now. I shall have to live through others... good luck.. I shall not be buying this game for the forseeable future.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

Believe me GRAW isnt worth your money.
The single player part of the game is quite good, but when you are done whit it, believe me then you are done whit IT.
The maps are pretty linear from what I had expected.
The friendly AI is stupid but the enemy AI is quite good they take good cover and they will sometimes but only very rare try to outflank you, But they are not good at aiming.
You can now also take upto 3 hits, even one direcly in face whitout dying.
The MP part of the game has only two modes.. Domination mode Human vs. Human which I wont comment and CO-OP mode which is complete rubbish, you play the exacly same SP missions whit no options for changing one single thing (U can only activate friendly fire) admins can't either kick or ban ppl only launch the game. If your teamleader dies mission is lost and the server WILL crash.
There is so many flaws and missings in this game that it is unbeliveble to u, if you where or still is a big fan of the Original Ghost Recon game.This is not worthy of its name!
One more sad day for the hardcore fans of tactical and realistic shooters.

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

Just like Lockdown. Convertation from console-arcade-action to PC tactical shooter can't be good.

Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago

Thanks guys that tells me all i need to know

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago

not goijg to bother trying liek all others next game on the list is well maybe good maybe bad, rainbow six 5. no info on this what so ever not even an offical name has been picked, all i know is again the console version will be released long before the pc version.

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago

Oh dear

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Thanks guys that tells me all i need to know

Aye! Let's save our money.

Does any one else see a patern???


Or any other involvment in the game period.

PS: Whats your video card? My nvidia is 256MB and the minimal spec make, and I can play low smooth'ish, medium reasonible.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

I think the main problem is that UBI Soft doenst give its game developers enough time, GRIN only got about 1 and a half year to create GRAW. Which ofcause isnt enough. RedStorm whit LockDown didnt get much time either.
And yes we need new blood to the business too.

Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago

But where is that blood gonna come from now. I dont see a new game coming for at least a year unless we go RTS but thats unthinkable as we are a FPS tactical gaming clan. We have SWAT 4 which can hold up at a slow pace. RVS player numbers should drop in the next year with lockdown being the main game and Raven Shield not being on the shelf or as some sort of budget release like Ghost Recon did.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

But where is that blood gonna come from now. I dont see a new game coming for at least a year unless we go RTS but thats unthinkable as we are a FPS tactical gaming clan. We have SWAT 4 which can hold up at a slow pace. RVS player numbers should drop in the next year with lockdown being the main game and Raven Shield not being on the shelf or as some sort of budget release like Ghost Recon did.

Yea it doenst look bright for us hardcore fans of realistic and tactical shooters.
But we should never go on compromise I think.
I really never understood why this clan didnt addopt the OGR.

Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago

Dont forget that LD was a complete marketing flop. maybe its replacement will be sooner, and a drop back to the old style for safety.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 18 years 3 weeks ago

Well I haven't been playing RvS that much lately, but that's because I am hooked on GRAW. I really can't stop playing it. The AI for your troops is a little sketchy (though i hope the patch coming soon will at least cushion that), but the enemy AI is fantastic. While there are moments where they are no smarter than RvS tangos, they will most always flank you, use suppressing fire, sniper rifles, grenade launching and 50 calibre emplacements, and they work together to try to defeat you. Now the teamwork of enemy AI is something we have all heard before, and most games' idea of this is enemies that fire in the same direction, but GRAW performs it almost perfectly. I had to tone down the difficulty level because it was kicking my ass so bad. I wouldn't say however, that the game is worth 50 dollars, because it isn't. My advice, is to save your money and wait til its around 30. I do believe this game is worth some time, and if you don't agree, well then thats your business.

See you all on the servers (after I finish GRAW)...


Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Re: Complaints...

Well I haven't been playing RvS that much lately, but that's because I am hooked on GRAW. I really can't stop playing it. The AI for your troops is a little sketchy (though i hope the patch coming soon will at least cushion that), but the enemy AI is fantastic. While there are moments where they are no smarter than RvS tangos, they will most always flank you, use suppressing fire, sniper rifles, grenade launching and 50 calibre emplacements, and they work together to try to defeat you. Now the teamwork of enemy AI is something we have all heard before, and most games' idea of this is enemies that fire in the same direction, but GRAW performs it almost perfectly. I had to tone down the difficulty level because it was kicking my ass so bad. I wouldn't say however, that the game is worth 50 dollars, because it isn't. My advice, is to save your money and wait til its around 30. I do believe this game is worth some time, and if you don't agree, well then thats your business.

See you all on the servers (after I finish GRAW)...

Agree the game is not a complete disaster, the single player part of the game is as stated quite good. But the whole game is plain simple not finish. It doenst have replayability as it is now, mainly because the multiplayer IS a complete disaster.

- maps and missions are linear.
- can take 3 hits (even one in the face, whitout dying).
- stupid friendly ai.
- limited loudout. (6 primary weapons - only frag grenades - 4 secondary - 1 rocket launcher).
- quite simple and similar maps.
- can't peek when prone.
- only toggle peek.
- enemy ai have bad aim.
- no quick voice commands.
- 4 player limited co-op.
- No mission and game options in co-op.
- teamleader dies, mission over, server crash, in co-op.
- no admin "rights" in co-op (like kick - ban).
- can't lock "auto reload" and "enemy indicator" in co-op.
- when everyone die in co-op server crash.
- "auto health" when loading a saved game. (if u or a teammate was injured, u or him are suddenly not).
- gamespy account.
- no good anticheat program.
- some kind of invisible space between u and a wall or any other object.
- no blood. (only a very little splash when a bullet hit a body and then it disapears).
- no injuri effect. (no gimp, worse aim ect.).
- no civilians.
- no smoke in co-op. (and this is URBAN combat).
- you cant aim downward when prone.
- no details about the mission you are about to enter, just pray to god that you have chosen the right loadout.
- no doors - and too few buildings to enter.
- no bionicles.
- no zoom in or out whit the sniper rifle.

... and I could keep going :alien:

Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago

Sounds like everyone is expecting a re-make of Rvs. This will never happen

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Sounds like everyone is expecting a re-make of Rvs. This will never happen


One thing that struck me about the old GR on the PS2 was we have the best US SF team there is, on a mission behind enmey lines but we're no better armed then normal infantry, who might be able to get some air support!!

It's sickining that a Coop game server crashing like that could've made it into a released product. (Has there ever been ALLOT of doors in ghost recon??)

Whats wrong with game spy? I grew up there in the MW4 lobbies. You should try if youi want a bad thing. (30year old children and teenage potheads making up a group of pwnage mongers -'s MW4 lobby before it died.)

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

Ok first of all please don't compare GR on PS2 whit GR on PC.
Two complete very diffrent games. Ghost Recon pc was and still is the best game ever made.

Secondly yes there where doors in almost every building that you could enter.
And yes that did and does matter, you never knew if hell was waiting for you on the otherside, and that makes it exiting and realistic.

Thirdly the number one thing I hate about a gamespy account is that you can't just change your nickname whenever you want, plus alot of peopl have had "joining" problems whit it.

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Ok first of all please don't compare GR on PS2 whit GR on PC.
Two complete very diffrent games. Ghost Recon pc are and still is the best game ever made.

Secondly yes there where doors in almost every building that you could enter.
And yes that do and did matter, you never knew if hell was waiting for you on the otherside, and that makes it exiting and realistic.

Thirdly the number one thing I hate about a gamespy account is that you can't just change your nickname whenever you want, plus alot of peopl have had "joining" problems whit it.

Sorry. (Also wouldn't be if I had the $10 before Wally World took off PC GR)

Well I've never had much problems /w name changing nore any one I've seen do it allot=/ GS does require extra ports e.t.c. in edition to the game it self;)

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Ok first of all please don't compare GR on PS2 whit GR on PC.
Two complete very diffrent games. Ghost Recon pc are and still is the best game ever made.

Secondly yes there where doors in almost every building that you could enter.
And yes that do and did matter, you never knew if hell was waiting for you on the otherside, and that makes it exiting and realistic.

Thirdly the number one thing I hate about a gamespy account is that you can't just change your nickname whenever you want, plus alot of peopl have had "joining" problems whit it.

Sorry. (Also wouldn't be if I had the $10 before Wally World took off PC GR)

Well I've never had much problems /w name changing nore any one I've seen do it allot=/ GS does require extra ports e.t.c. in edition to the game it self;)

Yeh its not a big issue but its just so much more simple the way it works in RvS forexample.

Last seen: 18 years 3 weeks ago

Just so you are aware, GRIN and UBI released their first (and hopefully not the last) patch for GRAW today. I suggest that if you own the game, you download it ASAP. It makes a noticable difference in my framerate for one. I get 57 fps now instead of 30 somthing.


Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Re: Patch

Just so you are aware, GRIN and UBI released their first (and hopefully not the last) patch for GRAW today. I suggest that if you own the game, you download it ASAP. It makes a noticable difference in my framerate for one. I get 57 fps now instead of 30 somthing.

Yeh I know, but waiting for a danish server to download it from.
But thanks for the heads up m8.

(very good news on the framerate tho).

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Wow you two are up late ^_^

Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago

GGGrr im really amused at having 90 mins sleep before work phoned me.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago

Recon, the friendly AI isn´t stupid. If you use it right it´s very good. But I agree it´s not worth it for the coop part though.
The AI is diff to other games but now you must use it correctly in diff situaitons

'When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.' --- 37% of Americans agree that while they would hate being British, they wouldn't mind having a British accent. --- Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

From the sounds of all the reviews.. I will stay with my original GR.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago

I like the demo, but it is very hard. I hve been stuck in the same place for 7 trys now.

SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
