Ok, I heard several people rape the name "sacer_miles", making it "saser miles".
Now, the name is latin, which is a roman language (english is an english language). Today, we're not certain of Roman pronounciation, but the common way to say it would be: sAker mIles. the I should be like in "eat".
Thanks for the correction Rasa ...
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
okay okay, I'm a phreak :alien:
Hey another man to join the "club" of names not prounaunced right, and I belive that the president of the club is Rouge. When is the first Board meeting going to take place and will you be serving Tuborg beer with that???
where is the I, in "eat"
I'm lost
you pronounce the i as "ea". In roman languages, that's how i is pronounced.
So sacer_miles has some particular meaning in Roman?
I googled sacer_miles, and it took me back to the SAS forum.
I thought it was more like saucer, like flying saucer_miles
Rasa, that would be sacer_meals?
only those who will
not meals: you have to pronounce the E. like the sound when you say a vowel: "M", but without the vowel.
By the way: it means "holy soldier"
Got it
Nice name, didn't really know what to think about it.
Just thought it was European or something.
only those who will
Umm, I think I am still a little confused. So it is Saker.....like "for peats SAKE" then ER (Errr) after. Then miles is Meal, like dinner meal, with "es" at the end??? Meal....es???? Does everyone get that....I hope.
Change you name to Saker Meals then
ehm nvr mind
'When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.' --- 37% of Americans agree that while they would hate being British, they wouldn't mind having a British accent. --- Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
im confused, why cant everones name be as simply as mine.
based on the above i would be called weeeze.
Deffo not good.
Btw Rasa, how long did it take you to work out that English is an English Language??
:laugh: :laugh:
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I didn't know the term. I do now: Anglo-Saxon
The "I"-SOUND, not the letter.
English-talking people pronounce the "I"-letter in two ways: the "ea"-sound and the "I"-sound. It depends on the word. In Scandinavia f,ex, the letter "I" is only pronounced with the "ea"-sound.
Some english words wich contains the letter "I":
"Internal": "ea"-sound (because "I" is the first letter).
"Mile": "I"-sound.
"Military": "ea"-sound on both I's.
I don't think I ever pronounce the letter "I" with an "ea" sound. But English is a funny language for having loads of ways of pronouncing letters in different ways. Just not as cut and dry as other languages.
No matter how hard you try, you'll never get everybody to say your name correctly - trust me. People always moan, but I can't understand how people can think adze is pronounced any other way other than... well the correct way.
I think we can all pronounce "AIDS"... :laugh:
When I have trouble pronouncing something I usually check the dictionary, ask some one, or use MicroSoft Sam the voice engine of Windows (Wishes for a decent voice!!).
And it passes the biggest test of how do you pronouce that in SAS - Adze as in Adze! lol.
I always used to pronounce it aids b/c of the ze untill I found out better.
That's a good point. I suppose it might be harder for you to pronounce as I've found most Americans pronounce ze wrong. Like zebra (not zeebra) is what I'm thinking of here.
That sound clips really useful, i shall use it to imitate rasa on TS.
Hence how Adze can sound more like Aids.
We should all have rasa's skills with languages relish.
Adze is a zebra, did i miss something here?
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
No, I am afraid not. Tuborg is to easy to pronounce for such an exclusive company of people.
Grolsch will be served. it is pronounced ********
OMG :roll2: