Hey all
I got a problem or perhaps it is just a task.
My RVS CD brook down due to scratches, so I have got a new one. But I need the 1.60 patch and the punkbuster ………where can I get that???????????.
Hey all
I got a problem or perhaps it is just a task.
My RVS CD brook down due to scratches, so I have got a new one. But I need the 1.60 patch and the punkbuster ………where can I get that???????????.
Punk Buster you get from
For Ravenshield you will need the full 1.0 to 1.6 patch... which country version are you running, cause you need the right one.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
My advice is go to http://www.fileshack.com and register heres the link for the patch and punkbuster
simply download the files to your hard drive via a public mirror and then run through the installation procedure
Hope that helps
Remember Ghost you need the UK version
You must still have a good CD key code number. Do you have to then actually buy a new retail cd....and use new CD key code...?
As far as I know, you only need a valid key.
If I give you mine, and you'd be able to play with it, but I doubt we could at the same time, and then Ubi would sue me. (Hence I give my keys to no one)
But, As far as I know you cannot use a "No CD" crack with RvS due to ubi-engineering.
Although, the Direct Too Drive stuff have special patchs, but D2D is crap I've heard.
Ghost if you know what version (Language) your new copy of RvS is, thats the version you need of the 1.0-1.6 patch.
I usualy go to firefront and use the public servers so I don't have to sign in, or wait in a file planet line.
If you turn the music voluime off so it wont run off disk and it will "make it last longer" by easing the ware N tear, so I've heard aslo.
If its the UK version, end of story, aim me ill fix u up complete, i have 9.4gigs worth of pure Rvs files here
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
There is a NoCD crack for Raven Shield. It works a treat for single play, not sure if it works for Multiplayer though.
Yeah it does, cos I always used to use one.
PB kicks for them though
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Oh. Ok then I was wrong.
I know pb now looks for it unless you did what moe did and set it to not check. rvs PB now kicks for just about anything, they went cheap and will search and kick for anything that has been modified even the ini is very strictly watched, which i think is dumb as those that do cheat arent caught, so it only hurts real players mostly
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Thx all for the help
I got my self a new edition of the gold pack. So I am good again and I have found all the updats and the PB so I am good.
Welcome home, how is Athena Sword btw? I never had a chance to buy that while it was in the stores.
athena sword is ok but I miss the hossi mode missions