Red Orchestra: Ostfront - COOP MP game

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Last seen: 18 years 1 month ago
Red Orchestra: Ostfront - COOP MP game

A WW2 game specifically designed for online coop play...? Anyone here try and play it yet? What did you think? A quick and short review can be read here.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

Nope I haven't tried it.

But the game looks great, I might try DL a demo.

Last seen: 14 years 6 months ago

is there a demo?

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 18 years 1 month ago

Their appears to be only a release for the Beta testing community. Retail goes on sale next week or two, I sent the game maker and email asking if their will be a demo.

Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago
Re: Red Orchestra: Ostfront - COOP MP game

A WW2 game specifically designed for online coop play...? Anyone here try and play it yet? What did you think? A quick and short review can be read here.

It's not a co op title, what it is is a player vs player game like DoD with a future single player campagain to get people up to skills. If you want a WWII co op title look at Brothers in Arms: Earned In Blood.

RO started as a UT2k4 mod free to download, infact still is offered in its mod state. I love RO on UT2k4 a lot and from a bit of personal experience I must say I'd rather stick to UT2k4's mod than the Source engine verison of RO. Plus for the same 19.99 price of 41-45 for Source, you can get UT2k4 vannila and get to download SAS: Lions Den and Frag Ops mods for free along with all the other mods for the engine.

RO is highly detailed in realism. For starters there is no crosshair and firing while standing or walking is possible but far from being accurate. Running makes you set your weapon aside making you unable to fire back while sprinting. Iron sights and being prone or crouched is the only means to hit anything effectively at any range. There is no ammo display counter, instead you will be given a message about how heavy or light the magazine feels as you pull for one.


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