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Last seen: 18 years 6 months ago
More computer help

Ive recently brought a new 19" monitor (Samsung SM-970P) but i cant get the best performance out of it cuz i have a low-end Graphics card. Im going to run SLI for my primary monitor and get a cheap PCI card for the second.
that means im going to have to buy a new motherboard and memory.

the thing im having trouble with is motherboard - RAM compatablility. the specifications of the motherboard says 'Dual-Channel DDR2 667/533' but theres nothing like that in any memory specs.


Asus P5ND2 SLi nForce4 SLi (2nd one down)

I dont have any idea what RAM to get. im not familier with most of the specs. i want to get good memory. price isnt that much of an issue (within reason)

can someone help me out with this? I might go for 2GB now and save havin to upgrade nxt time.

Thanks Smile


Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago

i got two 1 gig sticks at 533 still in box, sounds like something that would work

im confused about your gfxcard and how you are going to sli could you explain that out a bit more?

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 18 years 6 months ago

i want to get the most out of my £300+ monitor so i was gonna buy a high-End graphics card. But then i thought to go for SLI to make it even better. ill only get a single card when i order the rest but ill upgrade later by buying the same card again.

IMAGE( :glasses:


Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago

i think this was touched on before, but i think someone said something about SLi being for dual cards, so if you run 1 card you wont be using the SLi part of it. I might be wrong but thats something i seem to remember

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago

Wow, a fellow cuttered desk on the verge of being ether under 3-feet of crap or spick n span.^_^

As far as I know, SLI is something to do with 2 video cards, I doubt if you could use it on a single Gfx card or that it would make a diffrence with 2 monitors.

For DDR2 533/667 I think you would need PC 4200 or 5400 "DDR2" RAM chips.

1 19inch Digital CRT Monitor running 1600x1200x32@72's good enough for me; can fit 5 Xterm's on it if I need the = of so many VT.

Dang nabbit! I wish my mother would let me be for 5sec's while I skim forums and do worthless homework... Takes 20-30minutes to do one post..

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago

glock i would recommend you dont go sli and buy my sticks

we can talk more about these thigns on aim if you like

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 18 years 6 months ago

i dont even have AIM installed anymore:P

i won't be using SLI yet. im just gonna buy an SLI compatable motherboard and video card and upgrade later.

i just need to know what memory will be compatible with 'DDR2 667/533'


Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

I'm pretty sure your monitor is compatible with my computer. So just give it to me.

No need to thank me, I don't mind taking it off your hands.

Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago

DD2 RAM in PC4200 533Mhz or PC 5400 667Mhz should be (James or Noah would know better).

I know my system runs 2GB of Dual Channel DDR2 but I'm not sure what type since I was not allowed to build her myself. But it is still a great improvement over 512MB DDR.

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago

glock it has been addressed in previous posts, what you need to do it get two ram chips exactly the same. You mentioned you want two gigs of ram so youll want to look up getting 1 gig ram sticks that run at either 533 or 667 speed that is ddr2, thats it. As i also posted I have two unopened sticks of ddr2 1 gig each at 533 both compatible for your MB and can be used for dual channeling which I assume youll be doing

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago

Could someone fill me in about what Dual Channel does for the RAM? lol....

Last seen: 4 years 9 months ago

Running two sticks of memory in dual-channel mode means (here's the easy version) the computer can read both at the same time, which makes things a lot quicker. All you need to do to use that mode is get two sticks that are the same and put them in the correct sockets on your motherboard - so if you have four memory slots, two will be one colour, two another colour - put your two memory sticks in two slots the same colour (they might not be adjacent).

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you want to know ANYTHING about memory or any computer part all you have to do is phone these people if you are in the UK:

HERE is their memory page, and you can see that PC4300 and PC4200 are 533MHz DDR2, and PC5300 and PC5400 are 667MHz DDR 2, so either of those should work on your motherboard. So get any memory that says PC4200, PC4300, PC5300, or PC5400 on it. I'm not sure what the difference is between the two kinds at each speed (4200 vs 4300 and 5300 vs 5400), but in both cases one is a lot more expensive than the other so is presumably better somehow. PC4200 and PC5300 both seem to be in the budget ranges.

Get two sticks of it so you can run it in dual-channel mode.

If at any time you aren't sure all you have to do is PHONE THEM AND ASK.

Last seen: 18 years 6 months ago

Ok Sorted

2GB (2X1GB) Corsair TwinX DDR2 PC5400

BFG GeForce 7800 GT OC 256MB

Asus P5ND2 SLi

I better start saving!
