A few nice links I've found.
lots of languages pretty good but some times over used.
Gives it in what you ask for plus re trains it back
and Dictionary.com has a reasonable selection of languages.
I find it best to give it 1-2 words at a time, not always accuact but usally more so then 1 lump sum, after all it's only software not a native speaker.
Ahh.. A new toy for SAL, Spidey?
Time for some homework then. Please translate the following sentences into German, Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, Russian and Norwegian:
The sun is shining today.
Hello, my name is Rouge.
What is your name?
So long and thanks for all the fish.
SAS never retreats.
I am sure we can have SAS_interpretor_Rasa to assess the results.
I liked the way the 2nd one looked.
only those who will
Yes, I find it;s good for quick trainslations.
Most only give you enough to just get the jist of whats saying, but it's still far enouhg off to cause an international incident in some countries.
Heck no Rouge! Ya can't pay me enough to do that many languages ^_^ Now if you want it in C++ or Perl come talk to me ^ :laugh: