Looks good, glad there is some kind of community site at last. Now if they just sent the game to us boys in georgia (US)
Gute Blicke froh gibt es eine Art Gemeinschaftswebsite schließlich. Jetzt, wenn sie gerade gesandt das spiel zu uns Jungen in Georgia (die Vereinigten Staaten) >
I use http://translation.paralink.com/translation.asp for most of my trainslations.
I wouldn't really recommend using online translators. They are crap and they will certainly get it wrong. The only thing they're good for is getting the general idea of a foreign text by translating it into a language you can understand. Beyond that, anything you try and translate is just funny as hell.
Toron has contacted Konami to see about the possibility of their website being officially linked to them.
The reply is in German, but i think that they are quite interested.
Ya we´re hoping they will link us so we get more visitors other than the people who see us typing the adress in-game!
Toron is going to gather all the patch suggestions and mail them to Konami. The most important things for clans to be in the patch are 1. dedicated server 2. real team-match with even teams, not fewer SAS than TR like it is now.
Ps. Great site you got here, looks and runs great.
edit* Oh and how you like my wallpaper? http://img79.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wp3v2jpg0jv.jpg
[SAS] 22 EVR added
Ps. Anyone who could help translate the forum registration details for me that would be most useful.
BTW guys if u go to the website, scroll down left side and there is a language selector.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Great site Toron can see it developing well, hope it grows into a big community. The Regiment certainly deserves a big community. :smokin:
Neine spracken zie deutsch lol Wiz.
Looks good, glad there is some kind of community site at last. Now if they just sent the game to us boys in georgia (US)
Gute Blicke froh gibt es eine Art Gemeinschaftswebsite schließlich. Jetzt, wenn sie gerade gesandt das spiel zu uns Jungen in Georgia (die Vereinigten Staaten) >
I use http://translation.paralink.com/translation.asp for most of my trainslations.
I wouldn't really recommend using online translators. They are crap and they will certainly get it wrong. The only thing they're good for is getting the general idea of a foreign text by translating it into a language you can understand. Beyond that, anything you try and translate is just funny as hell.
Suggest u chaps click the button where it says "English". Amazingly enough, text in plain English appears. FYI. Just glad to help, BTW
We need to recruit someone who speaks that language and give them the rank of Int..."Interpreter."
We know this, Rouge.
However you try and register on the forums!!
Problem solved, i have contacted there web admin, who does speak English, and he has provided a link to an English regristration form.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Rasa became resident translator through the previews of the regiment I vote Rasa
Online translators work BEST if you have them do it one or two words at a time, else they got it to far off.
hmm, I can translate into german better then the bots.
Toron has contacted Konami to see about the possibility of their website being officially linked to them.
The reply is in German, but i think that they are quite interested.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Ya we´re hoping they will link us so we get more visitors other than the people who see us typing the adress in-game!
Toron is going to gather all the patch suggestions and mail them to Konami. The most important things for clans to be in the patch are 1. dedicated server 2. real team-match with even teams, not fewer SAS than TR like it is now.
Ps. Great site you got here, looks and runs great.
edit* Oh and how you like my wallpaper? http://img79.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wp3v2jpg0jv.jpg

SAS trooper with glowing edges. Cool. And welcome to the site and forums, Crille_swe.
Yeh nice image. Only thing is the first time I saw it it looked rather like a sasquatch.
also real big piece could they patch the game so that coop is more then 4
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
At lest 6 Players would be fair.....
8 is what im aiming for but yes anything more then 4 would be greatly appreciated
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
On http://www.the-regiment.ch forum there is an english patch-suggestion thread:
If you got suggestions like these please write them there, they will be forwarded to Konami