Is the command prompt program in Windows fully capable of all that could be done from a system running MS-DOS ? Or is it uber primitive just to maintain moderate backwords compatability.
As far know Windows is basicly made to be realitivly backward compatable with MS-DOS, or as I like to think of this Operating System - DOS XP lol.
Things seem to be overly simplefied (Primitive) for command line driven, inless the help file is a tad lacking. But maybe thats why it's a Quick & Dirty style Operating System. Although I havn't been around DOS in pure form since I was basicly in diappers.
Been fooling with the command prompt program, this thing looks like a 2 year old in colledge compared to a Unix Shells such as sh/bash/csh/tcsh. (I prefer bash)
the command promt is a very stripped down version of dos, it is simpy a way of emulating DOS commands in the win32 enviroment for truer emulation boot a real DOS disk or get DOSBOX
(Which will run on BSD OSX AND XP
Thank goodness.
Nothing could have been so stone age as this command promt in WinXP and have ever been a real OS lol.
I think it's a pretty good emulation of a DOS console, but you will find you can't do some things, like run DOS programs/games etc. Most commands are ok.
I Don't remember much of DOS, I was only a tot when we had it.
(Misses unix shells...)
I used DOSBOX to play Doom, cos it wouldn't work through cmd.
yeah I grabbed it to play alot of the older douglas adam's games again. It handles them pretty nicely.