Any one know how?

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Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Any one know how?

Does any one in the house no how I could make the My Documents/My Videos/My Pictures/My Music folders in windows to be shortcuts to specified folders?

I was thinking I'd move the files from C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents to G:\Documents and creat a shortcut in C:\Documents and Settings\Owner marked My Documents which links to G:\Documents but I'm not sure if this would work with the Start Menu Entries.

What I want to do is take my Windows G:\ partition slash ~/Windows (Where I have it mounted at BSD boot) and use it not only for sharing files between Windows & FreeBSD but oh most like a dedicated home directory on it's own section of the harddrive. I know I can creat Documents/Viedos/Pictures/Music under the shared partition then make some links in my home directory to match them so accessing my files becomes ~/Foldername not ~/ and ~/Windows/Foldername which totally leaves me in the dust if I need something in my NTFS WinXP Partition (C:) if I forgot to copy it (to G:).

While an extra clickly from My Documents in the form of a "Documents" Shortcut linked to G:\Documents and the simluar Windows/Documents folders under my home directory an't a problem in the GUI - I don't want to be pressing tab everyfew keystrokes on the command line!!

Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago

Yes, you can change what folder is pointed to by those special links.

You need to use the registry editor. First I have to advise that you take great care with what you fiddle with in here. To get to the registry editor, go Start -> Run and run regedit.

In there, navigate to:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\

Inside there you will see the definitions of where 'special' folders actually are. You can edit them at will. You might need to log off and back on before the change takes effect, don't know.

There is another place to change them, but I think it might only apply to new users. If the first doesn't work, try:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Thanks, I've only spent little time in the registry but it was always with a purpose:)

With luck I can get my files quickly between Windows and FreeBSD. (And 50GB should do for files even with FAT32s slack)

Edit: Had to use the second one, but could only get pictures to work, the personal key pointed to My Documents but changing it didn't help so I just imported the backup of the registry I made before starting.