Hosting RvS games

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Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Hosting RvS games

Hm... I thought it was a walk in the park to launch a server to host a game, which could be practical if the SAS-server is down or it is closed sessions on it.

But anyone trying to join, gets a "Server do not respond"-msg. The port number turns out to be 0. Any rapid solutions to this? Are there any particular patches I need?


Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago

ROOUUUSSSSHHH, You may need to turn off any Firewall software. Do you use a router? Working around one of those can be tricky. I have read a lot about routers, but still do not understand how they work sometimes. It could be the problem also. Only other thing I can think of is certain applications that are staying connected to other servers on the internet, like messengers, etc...they all occupy ports. They might interfere with the server you are trying to host.

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

Yeah it's got to be a firewall problem. You need to use The Force (google) to sense which ports you need to open on the router.

Last seen: 18 years 6 months ago

I hosted ghost recon games, have a look on the internet for raven shield ports and open the corresponding ones.

That should work Dirol

Last seen: 3 months 1 day ago

Dont worry Rouge i opened all ports possible and i still got the same error as you.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago

Okay... here are some things to think of...

Routers... many if not most... can only forward packets to one specific IP address at a time... which is to say... each computer hidden behind the router... has an IP address associated with it... with most routers... you can not play on one computer and host on the other... the router will only let one computer have the packets... not both.

If you hosting and playing on the same computer... then no issue about router limits. You will have issues about router ports.

The types of ports you looking for can be found easily in the RAVENSHIELD forums provided by UBI. You need to find more ports then just the basic 7777 that the game will run on. There are select other ports that the game communicates on other then the one you connect on.

Basically there are many things to think of.. that are hidden behind the scenes.... the easiest one to host is called PEER... where you dont check the DEDICATED box... this one will work if you can get your regular game to work... provided you open the correct ports for inbound traffic... cause routers will always let communication flow out... it is the inbound they stop.

Head to the UBI Ravenshield forums... and you will find all the info you need to host a dedicated server there.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

If only routers had an option like a good file wall to just allow a specifed exe to do anything it wanted after being given permission. It'd make games easyier, if securty less.

Name Withheld-Personal FireWall V2.something.

Service Name: RvS
Protical: TCP/UDP
Direction: All Directions
Application: Only selected below /path/to/rvs/.exe
address: any address
remote endport: any address
Rule Valid: Always
{x}Permit {}Deny

*Rough memory of my file wall's set for rvs.
**Name withheld for security reasons of a friends server - by his request.