As recruit I have to train so much as i can on swat4 with people from SAS. On SWAT4 SAS has 2 servers.
a) public no password
b) passworded server only for SAS.
I have access for a) but not for b) This evening when i logged on, could I see that on b) server is 2 SAS people playing, but I cant get on the server and train with u. So I must log on server a) with no SAS people = no practice
So much for that traning *s*
So I want you to see if its not an idea to give recruits access to server b)
Hello Noer,
Yes that has been discussed, and approved. This was noticed prior to your comments.
The SWAT 4 server that is locked will be repassworded to the Recruit level password to allow for proper training of recruits.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
also En4cer would it be possible for you to slighlty alter the name of your server, due to both servers being of exactly the same name
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Yess please - A Keylock an't a good ID so to speak.
werent the servers suppose to be called training ground 1-4 to begin with?
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Yes they were, but not that long ago, we held alot of discussions about what to name the SWAT servers.. I said TG # ? and was promptly shot down... it was determined by the masses that a name that included our URL would be best.
So that is what I have done... well now we are coming full circle... so
[SAS]Training Ground #3
is what it is now. The server has also had the PW reset to Rct level so that our Rcts can join it and practice with us.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Thankyou En4cer
And Well done to Noer for pointing that out to us.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
thast right i forgot about that vote
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Thanks for changing the password.
Ill see u on the server many times
once upon a time we used to get on AIM to talk to those ppl who then jioned the other server....
But who uses AIM these days?
We were told to change to xfire werent we?
I have to say that I'm highly in favor of X-fire, as it's a more gaming related tool. The ingame messaging for example is a splendid feature IMO.
The downside is that it has no file transfering.
READ the release notes on patches
File trainsfer was added in 1.51 (Current version) So if you don't have auto updates turned off for when your out of game ya can do it.
GMT+1 2030 still cant get on the passworded server with
"sas fiends" password og "rct and up password"
The changes were made... but did not work for some reason... I did it all again... and tested it this time... the server is okay now...
[SAS]Training Ground #3 with the Rct Level Password.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
we use both aim and xfire still one for cahtting for the most part as it doesnt effect our games, the other is for quick file transfer continuous chat and for group chats
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
You should get xfire for the communication aspect of it. If you see people in a locked server, you can get in touch and see if they will join you on the public server. You also have TeamSpeak as a way of making contact. The passworded server alone is not a reason for not being able to train with SAS members. I do agree with the decision to make the server Rct and up, but not for the reason Noer brought up. It is a sanctuary from internet morons who inevitably invade public servers from time to time.
Xfire is also a good tool to help you balance your training if you are playing both approved games. I have played much more RvS lately as I have been trying to balance my online time between the two games.
It will also help you make sure you are spending enough time gaming to keep up your suggested 5 hrs per week. Although, this is not tracked by us to keep tabs on you--it's a tool for you to keep track of yourself.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
excellently forwarded Random sir
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
yep, the server is working with the rct password now. Played with spidey and Rand yesterday.
Regarding to teamspeak, I have installed it, but discovered that my mike is out of order. Ill very soon buy new headset with mike and join the teamspeak server.
Regarding aim I have installed it, but Im having trouble joining it. im working to find the error. It just keep saying "validating"... But ill figure it out.
X-fire is not installed yet, but will be very soon.
To the gaming time I can say, that Im on Swat4 almost every evening, playing in the SAS room. From now on ill join the training ground when i see other sas people on that server. So Im on the server alot. But mostly evening between 2000-2300 GMT+1.
With work and little daugther its diff. for me to be on server in the daytime GMT +1.
But thx for changing the password

Hope to see a lot of Sas people on the server.
Kindly regards