Will Robots do our fighting in the future?

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Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Will Robots do our fighting in the future?

Army's Veteran Bomb-Disposal Robot Now 'Packs Heat'
This one carries an M-249



only those who will IMAGE(http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/co/type/2/sasrand.png)

Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago

Saw an episode on the Military History Channel...where they have Robots they will retrieve Robots on the battle field...even Robots that can retrieve a downed soldier....pack him away in a sort-of-coffin and transport to safety.

Kinda brings up the Matrix Idea where machines will learn to think and...well, you've seen the Movie :cry:


Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago

As soon as they learn to think... and not just take orders... they will realize that we need them... they dont need us...

Then they will start building a certain model of machine...

[color=red] CSM 101 [/color]

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

right now the pentagon has a 2 million dollar contest going on for the best software and hardwared unmanned vehicle. imagine an an ambushing squad in irqa attacking a convoy adn then we they get to it there is no one there and then BOOM they get surprised themselves with something

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago

I don’t think robots will take over our battlefields maybe only in the far future.
Because the problem is and I think is very similar whit the one we have today, whit for example planes.
The planes we have today could easily fly and land whit out humans involved, but the fact is we don’t trust machines that much today.
Who would dare go on a plane and fly and know there isn’t a pilot on?.
Who would send out a war robot and risk that it kills innocents and maybe your own troops?.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Let me know when we get one of these babies so I know it's time to join the Marines.


^ 75Ton Timber Wolf (Mad Cat)
Fusion powered bypedial OmniMech
Primary Weapons Config
2 Large ER (Sniper) Lasers
2 Medium ER (Defense) Lasers
1 Small ER (Anti-Tank) Laser
2 6-Barrel (Anti-Infantry/Armor) Machineguns
2 20-Tube Long Range Missile Launchers /w Radar guidence (Option of Napam, Mine layer, Clusterbomb, and Heat Seaking warheads)

Oh and a top speed of 85KpH + So much armor that you can take on a Battleship and win.

Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago

Spidey is this not the machine from Star Wars that Luke Skywalker tumble down whit a simple wire?. Blum 3

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago


you insult star wars

the thing luke took down in star wars 5 was an AT-AT, that picture is of mechwarrior machine

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago

Cool. But I estimate the following timeline:

1. Deployed to war zone.

2. Reports in the media that it shot an unarmed civilian. In a combat situation it is very hard to tell who shot who (or what shot what) so there will be accusations even if the machine did not shoot an unarmed civilian.

3. Public outcry.

4. Machines withdrawn from service, embarassingly.

An alternative timeline might be:

1. Tiny software bug found in one of these things, one which would not actually cause anything dangerous, but media outcry anyway.

2. Public outcry.

3. Machines withdrawn from service, embarassingly, perhaps without ever having been in service.

Basically, one way or another, this will turn out to be a massive media scare story. It just has to. It has all the ingredients.

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

You would think that but currently.

Troops deployed.

Reports of troops shooting abusing and god knows what else to un armed captives and civilians.

Troops stay there.

I think the is a real arguement for machines if they can be developed enough.

It has the poteintal to take out a lot of human error.

But in a combat situation there will always be error, and people have to accept that.

Its a sad truth also that people put a higher value on our own soldiers than of the civilains in the war zone. Eliminate risk to are own would have the support of many.

Not to mention not having to keep a large arm of humans could cut costs hugely, and you all know money matters in these things. 1 soldier costs alot bucks to keep, where as a machine could be stored far more cheaply.

Also things like planes, I can see the human body in the not so distant future being the limiting varable on how efficent they are, being able to take the pilot out would enable more g forces and faster reactions. Not to mention more room.

PS I want one of those mech warrior things!!!!


Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago

Also things like planes, I can see the human body in the not so distant future being the limiting varable on how efficent they are, being able to take the pilot out would enable more g forces and faster reactions. Not to mention more room.

I think we're already there.

But at the same time, huge G-forces put strain on the airframe, making cracks etc more likely, so the airframe wouldn't last as long. (an airframe is the equivalent of the chassis on a car). But an RAF pilot costs around £3m to train, so you could afford a new robot.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago


you insult star wars

the thing luke took down in star wars 5 was an AT-AT, that picture is of mechwarrior machine

Have I found a brother of sorts? LOL.

Personally I'm all for the idea of a bipedal tank type idea, or 'Mech.
The problems are.it's multibilion dollar price tag. Compact Nuke powered (We'd need Gundam/MechWarrior/BattleTech Low Radiation ones) and the fact that a lance of these babies could pwn the heck out of an ENTIRE super powers army of today.

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

I don't think robots will be doing any fighting in the future. I think it's more likely that wars will be won by pushing buttons on computers. With the exception of a few special ops people to make sure missiles land in the right places, wars can be won without even being in the country.

I can't see robots ever being intelligent enough to make the same kind of decisions a human can, so you can't trust it to kill the right people and leave others alone.

Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago

So you'd rather trust some humans? Humans are more bugged then robots!

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

Heh, Ok fair point. Some humans are more bugged than robots! Not me however, I happen to be perfect in every way.

Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago

Gosh!! have you guys never seen Terminator, look what happens when machines get to clever.

Perfect is boring, if we all where perfect we would not have had kandidcamera, George W. Bush, .............. Blum 3