Nice Website...and Tactics Pg.

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Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago
Nice Website...and Tactics Pg.

Rouge gave me the link to check out the Website...Thank You.

Was fun playing with you guys, if ever theres room for a Non-SAS to participate in Mission maps...please let me know.

Thanks again, HAD FUN!!! Blum 3


Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

glad you liked it your always welcome to join us in game

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago

Not another spider :roll:

Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago

Okay...I am Totally Spoiled, after running Missions today with several of the [SAS] members, I returned to your server only to be bombarded by Tard Rushers...rushing to Kill everyone on the map.....
Didnt take long to spoil me, Running missions...imo, is how a structured game should be played...not, Wow...I got 17 kills, you only got

I believe I am interested in joining.....but I have a delimmia.

I am the Owner of an On-Line gaming Server that currently Matches on Ghost Recon Ladders and we play BF2. To my knowledge, my girlfriend and I are the only ones playing RvS. I have RvS on our server, but have not booted it for about a year.

So you can see the dilema.....If you would not mind a mature player on your Team, that is already familiar with "Clan Life", then I am interested.

And<"yes"...another Spider...I have been "Spidy" for some 5 years, but a name change would NOT bother me....actually like "Widow", if theres no


Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

Hello Spidy,

Glad you enjoyed your time with out team members. We always prefer to play Missions or Hostage Rescues... we mainly only play Tango Hunt if that is the only mode supported on that particular map... or to break up the map rotation and give a breather between harder missions.

If you are truely interested in joining... and SAS_Rct_Rouge is your friend... then he can certainly give you some pointers in how to go about becoming a member... after your talk with Rouge.. take a look at our tactics section and perhaps the JOIN US link on the left of the page...

We are always looking for new members... but our Selection Process is an involved program which tests your commitment, maturity and of course skill level.

If you can stay the course.. apply... talk over with Rouge and you'll understand.

Nice to meet you, cya online.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago

Good luck in trying to join them. You'll need it when it comes to the qualifcation runs.

BTW is it me or is it a bit chaotic that you guys will have two different players with near identical names? Blum 3


Never trust a hermit with your cookie.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

seeing how we got over the rand and random question rather quickly i dont see confusing names as a problem

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago

uhm, good thing you mention that, since i thought Rand and Random where the same person....

Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago

Rouge is not actually a friend...happens to be one of your members I was teamed with while playing. As for the name..well, I would love to keep Spidy, but I use Spawn for BF2. Name change would be no problem for me.
As for "try-outs", no problem....would not mind the challenge.

As for the rest....we'll have to see, hehe Lol

Will submit app tonight, thank you for everyones response. Appreciate the closeness of your [SAS] Team.


Last seen: 15 years 1 week ago

uhm, good thing you mention that, since i thought Rand and Random where the same person....

Smile! You are on Candid Camera, Midget... Biggrin (Was confused too...)

Spidy -- if a simple [SAS]-recruit can enlighten you further and preach the gospel of team work -- my xfire is c0qr0uge. Both you and Miss Spidy are welcome in our games anytime. (Spawn might not be a bad idea, btw).


Last seen: 19 years 3 weeks ago
Im a new member

Hi all,

I'm just a new member here...
And i would like to introduce myself...
Im a real teamplayer in combat, and i love good tactics Biggrin

A Good Team Is Always Welcome In Combat

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago


Adding SAS to the front of your name does not make you a team member. We only permit those who have passed the initial stages of our Selection Process to have SAS tags in our website, forums or online therefore your account has been renamed back to "Georilla".

Read the info under the JOIN US link on the left side.

If you are serious to join... find some of our Troopers, Lance Corporals and Corporals and introduce yourself online. Play in our Ravenshield or SWAT 4 servers and get yourself known.

You are permitted to wear or alter the ARMPATCH you downloaded, however you are not permitted to have SAS tags before your name in our server. You do not have a rank and you are not a member of this team, please do not attempt to impersonate a member of this organization.

Perhaps in time things may change. That will depend upon your maturity, commitment and skill.

Looking forward to seeing you online.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago

Thanks Rouge...My XFire is..of coarse "Spidy"...but like I said..Spawn is looking pretty good.
The Girlfriend X'd "Widow" as an alias...?wonder why?..hehe


Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

Hello Spidey, oops sry Spidy, welcome to the site.
And ofcause a hello to Georilla too.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Hello Spidey, oops sry Spidy, welcome to the site.
And ofcause a hello to Georilla too.

Welcomes and hellos from the other spider Smile I hope to see more on the servers.

On a particular note to Spidy - As you've got about 2-2 1/2 years on me from when I took the personal name of "Spidey01" it's ok /w me if you keep the name, and your actually only the 2nd person I've seen to use Spid instead of spyd (10s of those). Just please don't add an ey in place of the e or it might confound people =S.

(Thinks to self - now I know why on earth there was another spider on TG 2 days ago.)

Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago

Thats Funny...I thought you took Spidey01 cause someone already had

If you care some time, I'll tell you the ifinity to the name Spidy. As far as me using the alias, I took Spidy some 5 years ago, and tried to NEVER change it cause people seem to think your hiding things when you change your Alias alot. So, everything Ive done has been Spidy...

(but then, I've never been in a group where there was another, so...I have decided to take Spawn.)

Note to [SAS]_James: I was going to re-register as Spawn to avoid all this confussion... Dirol


Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Just go to Profile and retype the name. Hate to see another spider go down though =/. Any ways Spawn!

I am Spidey Zero One!!! But most just call me Spidey lol... Wish I could fit my 01 on my uniform. (Which I do out of RvS)