Download the demo from one of the links given at THIS LINK.
I intend to host a temporary server when I can.
Hopefully one of our current server hosters will switch over to hosting a Lockdown demo server.
For the time being, my server will be locked. If you are one of those with the pw then you are welcome to join.
When I get home from school i'll download the demo ASAP, if you can PM the server password to me and the server name, i'll be on there playing away. : )
if you don't have it already, we will probably not be giving it out specially for this. We'll have an open server soon.
Dam I gotta wait in line to download
Server # 2 is offline while I download the file and make an attempt to create a dedicated server on that machine.... updates as it occurrs.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
i strongly encourage everyone to download hte game and give it a try and form your own opinions, here is mine
The game is crap! I will not be using my money to buy it if i get it as a gift fine but I woudl rather buy swat4 then this game. this is not a RS game its a joke i have so far three things that they have shown to use that arent used which imo is not a storng character point. thsi game lasks in so many small ways that i could amke a hit game with them. I will agree that the graphics and interactive world is great and runs very smoothly but that shoudl be used for what I continue to say posters and pictures. this game has no longevity and i bet it will die out a lot sooner then RvS in the coop world as this is really a good game for advers only
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Thats where the market is, there were the games are going.
i havent played it yet, but i dont expect much.
First impression: Both thumbs down, I am afraid. :?
is the pw friends or trp/rct?
Not very impressed with the demo, and to think I waited almost two hours to get it...ah well, it is the video gaming industry, most games now adays are going to be geared towards the fast paced FFS, racing, vice games (GTA series), and RPGs...out of the door goes simulations/tactical shooters.
The Jury is still out here.
I'll buy the full version anyway (on order) just cos its got the word RavenShield on the packaging!
The similarities with the "touch and feel" of SWAT4 are striking. Graphics and interaction are excellent.
I'll make a decision once I've played the full version for a couple of hours or so.
"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way"
I agree with Shield...
I have found several errors in my download.. the bullets will not hit where the reticle is aiming... there is no sound when i shoot... your element members in Single Player are as stupid as ever and tend to stand in my way or get me shot...
I was able to quite easily do some run and gun and managed to run around and kill many tangos without even being fired upon... not very realistic...
Yes the graphics are nice, the controls are not... you have different fire keys based upon what your using.... one shoots the gun another throws the nades... and yet another switches between nades required.... that means alot of time without your hands on the movement keys which can get players killed... if the tangos ever learn how to shoot that is...
Not only will I not be purchasing it... I will not be attempting to make a server for it either...
I would rather play Ghost Recon then this game... it is an insult to the RVS community.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
The online games aren't even that impressive, even worse with the "run and gun" type gameplay, all you have to do is get a red dot on all your weapons and run around and shoot in that scope, works every time...:(
Still can't get this darned XFire Sig to work
you need to use the SECOND results to copy.
I did use the 2nd's just my computer is all stupid and won't work for me.
not sure if any one ever tried using hte HMG which should be LMG it has 1000 rounds who can carry that much and move and play liek that irl, in rvs the most ammo i got was like 400 rounds. the no magazines i think we should all have the demo which is free and just play that for a while have them realizes that they waste their time cause we get to play it for free i could really care about the other guns and stuff as they cut back on it as well. hopes held somewaht high and then dropped when they lied i hope the counsel starts soon to work on a new game to be released next year to make up for this they should give this game away for free
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
It can be typed manually to. With your style/size settings I can give what to put in.. X-Fire me later at xspidey01x or AIM at xSpidey01x
(Just wondering is aim addies case sensitive or can I stop typing the X-F & AOL versions lol?)
I agree, this game is 2 thumbs down, can't slice the pie, you run lightspeed and walk like theres no gravity, I can snipe on full auto with a submachine gun, the AI atleast duck behind things and leanout =/... your teammates are the stupidest yet, they always run right in front of me while I am scoped, and they never listen to my microphone chat ;)... this is most definately a adversarial game, coop is only 4 players and is no fun anyways, my money is not going here... not to mention throwing grenades accurately is almost impossible, the only good thing is the graphics, the maps aren't bad, and the phosporus grenades are real nice
I have now installed the demo. But when I launch the mission, I can't see anything...only the Heads Up Display and a black screen.
(My graphics card: GeForce 4 4200 Ti).
[quote="SAS_Leon"]I have now installed the demo. But when I launch the mission, I can't see anything...only the Heads Up Display and a black screen.
(My graphics card: GeForce 4 4200 Ti).
You're not missing much anyway...
leon try updating the drivers other then that i dont have a clue. about the teammates i dont have a clue i dont have any issues with them as they never stay by me as i rush the map and tangos sometimes i just blow them up adn watcht them burn cause they are so slow
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
I'll try updating the drivers. Anyway, I will buy a new card soon. Probably this one (ASUS GeForce 6600):
Never trust a hermit with your cookie.
Hi tried lockdown and ouch, Rainbow six turns FPS with dumb teammates. It felt like playing the Half Life 2 bit when you lead a squad. There are hardly any orders, dam this game is so scrapped!!
You mean like theres the gravity of the sun Mando
If there was no gravity they'd float not snail it at walking and run like it's the 100m dash with only there shorts on.
All while packing a good 30++ lbs of gear..
leon i have a 6600 as well but mine uses heatpipe tech and requires no fans or moving parts i liek it cause the card should last longer then otehr cards that use fans
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Thats was my reaction to the post.
I'll try download it anyway.
Wow its crap really crap.
Can't find one thing I like about this game, it really lower the standard of realistic shooters. Its a big shame. Hope UBI will suffer hard, for this piece of "@¤#%!
Hope The Regiment and GR: Advanced Warfighter wont disapoint.
Or we will be playing SWAT4 and RVS for a lot of years to come.
Burn UBI, Burn!
Profane Language edited by SAS_SSM_WIZ
Oops think the rage got over me.
They are really getting the rage now..
Leon, AIM me sometime and I'll help you.
It did work after I installed new drivers from NVidia. But...then Ravenshield got problems with rendering the intro movies, and the rotating Rainbow Six logo when loading a map. So, then I installed my old drivers again. Ravenshield is still not like it used to be though. It's hard to explain but sometimes the graphics get horizontal "lines" across the screen, f.ex when I slice the pie around a corner. Lockdown has messed up Ravenshield lol.