I likes me the combat skin personaly. Even if it has a goofy bug with the, "So and so is currently typing" in message boxes.
And Xfire does a have a tut on making skins, I tried to read it once but it's beyond my skills. I can make buttons and a static images for the GUI but making it into a working skin, that's where I fall flat. And I also need to re-install Photoshop 7.0 and since I no longer have a working disc thanks to my brother's cats I'd have to flip out 350 bucks for another copy which will take a long long time.
Nice - note to self check skins for my auto downloads [^_^]
finally one i kinda like , i really like the Nvidia one but its never avaiable to d/l
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
"SAS_JB logged on".
Lol -- just in time to get on the picture, JB
Timing is crucial...
oh damn, never noticed that bit.
Note to self. edit the picture.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
JB will do anything to get attention :roll:
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
I usually use the standard skin / brick theme. Not so good mouse wheel support on the side panels but nice no frills skin.
wiz where did you find that, was it one the normal skin d/ling place or somewhere else, or did you make it?
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
YAY back to the FluidX setting for me now.
Pretty nice skin, Couldnt we make a SAS skin?.
recon thats some thinking now only if we had someone that could make us a skin like that I'd use it
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
I likes me the combat skin personaly. Even if it has a goofy bug with the, "So and so is currently typing" in message boxes.
And Xfire does a have a tut on making skins, I tried to read it once but it's beyond my skills. I can make buttons and a static images for the GUI but making it into a working skin, that's where I fall flat. And I also need to re-install Photoshop 7.0 and since I no longer have a working disc thanks to my brother's cats I'd have to flip out 350 bucks for another copy which will take a long long time.
Never trust a hermit with your cookie.
That reminds me, I've got the obj of making a X-Fire skin still on my "Virtual Desk"
Wish there was a [SAS] one /w the pic from the S3 mods menu.