I would like to announce the reappointment of 2 key [SAS] members to new positions within the GCHQ.
I am honored to have Random as my 2IC after holding what was both a memorial position for Sinister after Random's retirement from the CO position...and Coop is a long-time [SAS] member who will continue to enforce the "old school" trend that has re-surfaced at a recent GCHQ meeting. That is: know your SOPs early, as early as LCpl you should have full command of them in order to regularly participate in Rct tryouts.
Coop comes from a generation of old school [SAS] members, and will be ensuring that this clan moves forward with training and recruiting.
I think we owe them all thanks for their continued long-term contributions to the clan.
Congrats, gentlemen, and thank you both.
SAS_Vet _Heim
Former CO
"And You Thought I'd Never Check Back..."
I hope you're happy with the new roles!
It's also good to see GCHQ isn't that rusty at all!
LOL all these GCHQ rank switchs are making me dizzy.
Good Luck in your new roles.
and Random thought his next movement would be downwards. Good call Heim
SAS is never stagnent, all members would do well to remember that. As well as this other message from your PR days: WE will be watching
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Cool, Random is an excellent choice for the position.
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
First, I would like to thank the Academy and my Mom and Dad for being so supportive throughout my career.
Secondly, I'd like to thank all the members for making my [SAS] experience an enjoyable one.
I look forward to taking on this new role and assisting in our [SAS]-retro transition. The GCHQ has committed to help everyone go "old skool".
Do not for one minute think that we will need time to adjust to our new positions. The days of hanging on to rank without production are over.
The days of limited enjoyment are also over. There will be a concentrated effort to stabilizing the SOPs and the tactics so we can get the membership secure in all aspects of both.
En4cer and Coop have long developed reputations for being task-masters. It would be in everyone's best interest to get with the program, know your role and take ownership in your positions.
We are responsible for motivation and encouragement along your [SAS] career path. You need only provide the willingness to learn and the determination to succeed.
Do you have what it takes?
Drop and give me 50 you nuggets!!!!
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
hmmm Chicken nuggets.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
you still hungary wiz?
On a more serious note: I like the direction this regiment is taking into the future. GL in all new positions and responsibilites.
I think tis good, Coop is good at Cap'n Duty, Random (Aside from being a lethel something or otherZ^_^) is a great person for command duties.
Congrates you both on your new roles, may they bring you enjoyment as they serve [SAS].
I k now since my time as a PR, I have always looked up to both Random and Coop. The first time I met you both, you set the future for a young spider on the path of teamwork through tactics.
Thank you both for all that you have done and will be doing for [SAS].
Well congrats to you Random you deserve it you always worked hard to make things happen and about thoses nugets if they are gold I'll take some off your hands for sure :smoke: