Upcoming ARMA 3 update

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Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Upcoming ARMA 3 update

As arma regulars may know, arma is due to receive a platform update soon. Aside from engine update it will feature warlords game mode, which probably going to be a game changer. I suggest we capitalize on that and leave warlords runing on ALiVE server 24/7. Gamemode will need more testing and tweaking after release of course, but its a strat worth developping. Together with that I propose we review our modset, get rid of things we do not and will not use in the future. Whatever remains - particulary custom mods and addons should get updated and I will sort everything in steam collection accordingly. Lastly when its all done, we should make MOTD's for arma servers including links to teamspeak as well as mod collection on steam workshops. 

This should serve as first steps towards increasing our player base. Any thoughts?

Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
I agree, leaving an open

I agree, leaving an open server running warlords 24/7 is the correct move. Regarding the modset we can already start working on that. When it comes to my @255th (and like 25% fluffy's Blum 3 )will update it shortly and also suggest its changed to @sas.

The motd has already been suggested on the server changelog sub forum and its pending the green light

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Though, there are some

Though, there are some discrepancies between steam modset and a3sync one. One for certain is RHS. A3sync doesnt have the serbian armed forces included, but steam collection does. I thing serbs are a part of GREF from steam workshops. It doesnt hurt to have another faction, I suppose. Plus, we do get G36's with that. 

Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
The whole thing needs to be

The whole thing needs to be reanalized, specially (fluffys gonna kill me for this) acre. We need an ubiased decision from a co that needs to reanalize both tfar and acre 2 and decide which one would actually benefit us more

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
There is no denying that tfar

There is no denying that tfar is more simple. And I suspect its more popular too, but Id have to check on steam workshop stats. Its a matter of question wether we really need those unique features acre provides or not. And I think not. If we cut out what we dont need and can go with more popular mods this would also increase server accessibility for general population = more potential for recruitment.