ARMA 3 steam workshop modset

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Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
ARMA 3 steam workshop modset

Hello. I took the liberty of assembling our modset within steam workshop system. This probably may not be necessary thing to have and may contain problems I am not aware of, but here it is anyway. I found most of the mods we use already in the workshop. And those that werent in the workshop, I uploaded them into it. Added everything into a single collection to be ready sharing material. Personally I find it much more appealing and easier than A3sync. Perhaps this will make SAS servers more accessible and attractive for potential new members. I also tried to make a file for steams arma 3 launcher that automatically assembles the necessary modset to join the server, but that feature seems to crash the launcher itself, so not everything worked out as I intended to. Also I havent done much editing of descriptions, but I will if need be. 

Link to the collection:


Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
This is some solid work, atm

This is some solid work, atm I cant verify if everything is in order can someone double check this for me to make sure nothing is missing? Idk how the server works but can we make the server download from this pack instead of having ppl to get their mods from the sync? Also if thats going to be like that it'll require some regular maintenance

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Regarding mod updates

The thing is, clients will be updated automatically whenever a new version of their subscribed mods come out. I am not sure about the server tho, I think it will still have to be manually done. However, there is still an advantage in this because whoever updates the server can just upload those specific mod files from his own updated workshop. 


P.S. I did manage to join the server without crashing out (after a few revisions, of course, had to manually upload a few mods to workshops), but I have not been there for long enough to be sure everything is 100% crisp. Then again, this is arma, so nothing ever is even close to crisp in a first place. As I said, this project is basically take it or leave it. 

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 1 month 4 days ago
I am not sure if the same can

I am not sure if the same can be done for the servers - having the updates downloaded through the Workshop. Perhaps Fluffy knows this?

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

SAS_Fluffy's picture
Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Have steam logged into an

Have steam logged into an account, and be subscribed to the mods, and point the server to that directory...maybe. Not sure in practice.


"Let's just wing it" -Fluffy on things we should most definitely not wing

Last seen: 10 months 2 weeks ago
Wouldn't that require you to

Wouldn't that require you to own two copies  arma?

Raptor's picture
Last seen: 3 years 1 month ago
No it wouldn't. Arma 3 Server

No it wouldn't. Arma 3 Server is a free Tool in Steam, and you can shutdown Steam once the mod download is finished.

Regimental Sergeant Major
Regimental Sergeant Major
SAS_Master's picture
Last seen: 2 years 5 months ago
Many thanks, Lekter and a

Many thanks, Lekter and a step in the right direction.

SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major


"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
I've been looking into steam

I've been looking into steam workshop feature of co-authorship. What I want to do is to make the collection as well as uploaded mods to be editable by other sas members. So far I had no luck as in co-authorship feature (contrary to what one may assume solely from the term) does not actually grant dev access for multiple people and is rather 'cosmetic'. Then again I had no one to test this with for sure and that was all I could understand from reading relevant forum entries and articles. If co-authorship feature actually worked in the meaningful way it would be extremely useful.