Ground Branch Server - SAS Proving Ground 10

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Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Ground Branch Server - SAS Proving Ground 10

The Ground Branch server is running again. However, there are some troubles with the main server list, so our server is not appearing on the server list at the moment.

You can join the server directly using the console: open

If you can't find the console key, take a look at this forum post to change the keybind for console.

For the future I plan to update the server with the latest development build available. This means you might need to switch to the testing branch.

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Ground Branch server updated

Ground Branch server updated to: 1018 Testing Update - 1868125.

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Bobby and I (tried to) play a

Bobby and I (tried to) play a game today. However, the Tankership map worked for me but not for Bobby... Anyone else with this issue?

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Ground Branch has been

Ground Branch has been updated to: 1018 Build Update - 1923403

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Regimental Sergeant Major
Regimental Sergeant Major
SAS_Master's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
The server with the dev build

The server with the dev build works fine for me, DC.

I can see it in the server browser and can connect fine.

Just dunno how to play a level from the planning room.

SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major


"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
In the room where you gear up

In the room where you gear up, there is a doorway you can run through in order to start the mission.

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Regimental Sergeant Major
Regimental Sergeant Major
SAS_Master's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
I run through the doorway but

I run through the doorway but there's a new room for selecting insertion points there. Beee Dunno how to insert from there..

SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major


"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Updated to 1018 Build Update

Updated to 1018 Build Update - 1935899

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
I run through the doorway but

I run through the doorway but there's a new room for selecting insertion points there. Beee Dunno how to insert from there..

If you run into the insertion room and into the "box" saying Global Team/Room and click with your left mouse button. That worked for me!

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Server updated to 1018 Build

Server updated to 1018 Build Update - 1956149.

Updated default map to Powerstation.

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Updated to 1018 Build Update

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Regimental Sergeant Major
Regimental Sergeant Major
SAS_Master's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
Hey DC, would you be able to

Hey DC, would you be able to copy/paste the changelog for the builds here?

SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major


"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
I'll see what I can do.

I'll see what I can do. Depends on the terms of the closed beta program.

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Updated to 1018 Build Update

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Beta test open for all

Everyone owning the game can participate in the testing with the code: GroundBranchTesting

Updated to 1018 Testing Build Update - 1998226

Mainly bug fixes from previous playtest.


Build Id: 1998226

Approx. Size: 322mb

Dedicated Server

Build Id:  1998230

Approx. Size: 24mb


* FIXED Issues with P250 handgun
    * No longer has markings of 9mm
    * Properly scaled and seated magazine
    * Proper 9+1 round configuration
* FIXED Added wall in middle of Bravo shooting range
* FIXED odd PostProcess transition in Power Station by insertion area
* FIXED server browser map list filter
* FIXED blank game mode in game mode lists.
* FIXED server access kick command crashing server
* FIXED chat messages displaying as dead for alive players
* FIXED beging/ready buttons not doing anything
* FIXED team elimination insertion points being randomised when ever round count down was cancelled.
* FIXED slight offset on M4 side rails.
* FIXED placement of radio tower insertion point on Depot_All


* Darkened overhead maps a bit
    * Still to bright and will need material support to get better

* Optimized light pole asset
* Added red anti collision light on WindTurbine

* Minor adjustments to PowerStation Night lighting
    * Turned off directional light so there aren't any hard environment shadows
    * Upped the ambient brightness a bit
    * Lowered the eye adaptation threshold so it doesn't have such drastic changes
    * Added soem more lighting to courtyard area
* removed stubbs from GBTeamFunctionLibrary
* updated GBServerManagerment
    * split off all server access commands into their onwn functions.
    * made resurrect give the newly alive player 10 seconds of immunity to damage.
    * made toplayarea prep & auto-select an insertion point if player does not have one, thensend them in.
* created FindPlayerStateByPlayerNameOrUniqueId() & FindPlayerControllerByPlayerNameOrUniqueId() functions in GBGameplayStatics class.
* slightly optimised various float values by replacing * -1 with 0 - value.
* added ReadyRoomChat as a chat type for people in the chat room.
* added Event chat type to display generic event messages as centered messages.
* simplified team living check in GBRoundManager
* updated GBPlayerController
    * moved SetInsertionPoint() from GBPlayerState to here.
    * created GameCommad() Server RPC
        * fires off newly created "GameCommandEvent", removing need for replication proxies.
        * updated affected C++ & Blueprints.
    * created ClietnCallEvent() to replicated an event from the server to the client ?? (UNTESTED)
* updated where some OnRep_XXX calls are made in GBPlayerState.
* updated team elimination flow
    * begin button is now declare ready/not ready.
    * ready button is only enabled if everyone on a team has an insertion point.
    * round count down will start when both teams declare ready.
    * round count down will stop either team declares not ready.
    * round count down will stop if player becomes prepped/unprepped during it.
    * ready status of both teams shown as thumbs up or thumbs down (for now).
* updated terrorist hunt flow.
    * begin button is now declare ready/not ready.
    * ready button is only enabled if everyone has an insertion point.
    * round count down will start when players declare ready.
    * round count down will stop either players declares not ready.
    * round count down will stop if player becomes prepped/unprepped during it.
    * ready status shown as thumbs up or thumbs down (for now).
    * players are shown as waiting if they are prepped without an insertion point
      or have an insertion point but are not prepped.
    * players wtih both are shown as normal

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
1019 Testing Build Update - 2651753

I skipped a couple of update cycles, but we are now on the latest testing branch.


Build Id: 2651753

Approx. Size: 512mb

Dedicated Server

Build Id:  2651757

Approx. Size: 25mb


* Added in reversed baseball hat gear item
* Cleaned up all optic reticles to be crisper
* Scaled ComTac models up a bit
* Small adjustments to SDASS roughness map

* Depot map
* Added small ridgeline around perimeter near helipad starting area
* First pass adding in working Russian scopes
* They kind of don't work just yet, but youcan equip them. Smile
* Moved SVD mount point for rail/scopes forwrd to correct location

* added bCopyCharacterHeadVibility and related functions to GBItem
* setting this will replaces need for multiple Blueprint versions of the same implementation.
The character will simply tell any item with this set to true to show/hide itself and all its children when appropriate.
* updated GBCharacter
* changed SetHeadVisibility() to support new bCopyCharacterHeadVibility option on GBItem
* removed HeadVisibilityChanged delegate
* enabled standalone comtac
* added "Facial Hair" selection to character editor
* basic beard for now
@John - where's my ginger beard you fucker!
* added camera focussed on head when changing head or facial hair.
* updated UGBItemDragDropOperation::CreateTargetProxyFromItem() to support use all componentes of an item and not just the root.
* allows multi-part or non-primitive component root items to actually show up correctly as drag/drop targets.
* moved BP_OpticalSight_Master functionality to BP_OpticalSightComponent
* updated all affected Blueprints
* created new Bluperints for Kashstan

* fixed bad lightmap uv's on some mesh decals and static meshes
* fixed missing collision on some walls in PowerStation map
* fixed Black male arms not getting properly masked when selecting long sleeve shirts
* fixed crash on joining server (cause = Kris is a dumb ass)
* fixed crash in trying to join server caused by garbage collection.
* fixed crash caused by invalid item in inventory list
* caused by server destroying an item but the client still has a pointer to it in the local inventory list.
* fixed misaligned optics (temp fix)
* fixed log spam from RBSurfaceLink
* fixed commtacs and reversed baseball being visibile in first person
* fixed IRStrobe not being attached
* fixed character missing kit in item editor
* fixed GBSightComponent not showing up in Blueprint components list
* fixed global & team chat not working (I think)

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
We are on the Early Access

We are on the Early Access now.

Server is updated to #001: Hotfix Patch.

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Server is now updated to

Server is now updated to build version 1024 / build update #003.

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment

Lieutenant Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel
SAS_DeCapi's picture
Last seen: 2 months 1 week ago
Updated to hotfix #004 /

Updated to hotfix #004 / build 1024.

Commanding Officer

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment