Hey guys, how's it going?
Just popping in to wish the clan a happy 14th Birthday (Yesterday).
As usual, I'd like to pay tribute to everyone both present and past who've kept this fine team alive, and to all the members who've come and gone over the years.
Over the past week I've been having a browse through the site and forums to see what's going on. I see we have new torch bearers keeping up the fantastic work of the clan predecessors. Good work guys!
So really? 14 years?
I had a good chuckle reminiscing back to when I started the clan. I was 25, I'm now 40 with 2 kids. The Internet was brand new and multiplayer PC games were in their infancy. In fact, SWAT3 was my first real taste of multiplayer over the net. We had to dial in to connect to the internet, and the fastest speed would could get was 56k lol. It used to cost 1p per minute to be on the net HAHAHA.There was no voice comms, or there was but with 56K it was very laggy so commands were all done via the in game system. Ahhh those were the days
I'm still gaming, never stopped much to my wive's annoynce
All the best guys!
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
Good to see the founder 'himself' steps in every year.
Was a lot of work past weeks for everyone.
Can't see into the future and i dont know all clans in the world, but 14 years sounds like "eh wait thats a typo". Would be interesting to know if an other clan made it longer.
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hey Smart,
It's always a pleasure to see you are still around after 14 years! We've recently started a new chapter with a new leadership, it's hard work, but fun
This legacy different members has been a part in creating over the past 14 years is definitely something worth fighting for.
I hope we'll still see you around now and then. At least we'll catch you same place next year
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Great to see you still stopping by! I know we went through a rough patch with the site last march, I almost wondered if you'd drop by this year.. Still, 14 years for a clan to still be around (especially in a such a niche genre of realistic tactical shooters) is a damn good achievement and we have you to thank, Smart, for starting it all!
SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major
"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"
It is good to see you around, and I think my fellow members have said it all, and I have nothing to add
Here's to another year for the SAS!
"Let's just wing it" -Fluffy on things we should most definitely not wing
I'll defo be dusting down the old clan uniform and joining you for :
Looks awesome!
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
Yes, we are a few that a looking forward to this game! As well as Ground Branch
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Ooh yeah that looks good.
I get the feeling R6 may be going for a more action based game. Ground Branch looks like it will be a lot more tactical. Who knows. Tempted to pre-order just R6 for the beta access.
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
A chance to flashbang Smart in the face?

Seriously though, Siege could be a good game, I just hope the super destructable environment thing they've got going won't be a mere novelty. Can't wait to see if any co-op modes are around for it.
SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major
"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"
Happy 14th Anniversary guys 14 years and still standing strong as a team it's really cool that there were generations of people who kept and still do dedicate themselves to all of this whether on forum or in game.
This is more than a gaming community in my opinion and I'm sure you had your tough moments and struggle to keep this thing alive but you made it work so bigggg congratulation to for this achievement stay awesome !!
Who Dares Wins!!
Happy Birthday indeed!
My contribution to the nostalgia is the following, which I created but Matsuro has uploaded.
The only sad note is I don't see a single name in The Mighty who was in the clan during my time.
Former SAS_Capt_James - Webmaster, Map Maker, Live-Ops Creator
The last one of those was Wiz, I believe.
It's always nice to see an old face turn up around here. Greetings.
That's oldschool Raven Shield right there lol and yea but the good thing is we have a new generation of SAS
Who Dares Wins!!
Not even Sniper?
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Sniper's profile says Clan Birthday: 02/07/07, I had been out a year already by then, so I assume it's a different Sniper to the one I knew.
Former SAS_Capt_James - Webmaster, Map Maker, Live-Ops Creator