Since I have no idea how quickly things may occur, I felt I should report that I may have to give up on-line gameplay in the near future. I may still be able to visit the website.
The issue is simple. Internet connectivity in the Mohave Desert is probably only a restricted bandwidth, satellite dish account. 5Gb/month is about 1 HULU show/day, so you can see where on-line gaming would be impossible. I will be able to access about 100 web pages a day, far fewer than I normally do just reading my RSS FEEDS. I do not know what the bandwidth cost is for IM chat, but no more SKYPE. Even that ISP costs $50/month and I will be damn lucky to get that. It is 20 miles to the nearest town and I have had grade school classrooms with more people in them than in the entire town. This will change my entire life and I am only beginning to realize how much, since almost all of my socialization is on-line, even now. The upside is I will get more daily socialization as I am moving in with my SO. I will miss chatting and playing with many of the SAS clan and its "Irregulars". I may be forced to read a book. I hope the situation will be better but I must prepare for the worst/most-likely situation. I may also be without any Internet for a few months or even permanently. So if I "disappear" it will not be because I want to.
We often do not realize what we have until we lose it.
Always nice games with you Cougs, too bad we weren't able to have more! Good luck with your internet and hope to still see you around!
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
Well, I am still in my old place but HD died and the screws that hold it in will not unscrew. No help from Gateway but they will remove them for $200 and put in the same model HD that was failing in under 18 mopnths. About to remove the DVD-RW optical drive from the case and use a torch on the screws and risk losing the data. Miss RvS and especially SAS. Not helped by rereading RAINBOW SIX novel.
Howdy there Cougar, Myself, Dont have the slightest idea what ya sayin there.