Statistically speaking you should only play the Irish lotto about 2 hours before the actual draw is made because otherwise you have more of chance of dying than winning the lotto.
yeh statistically, you are 10 times more likely to be killed by a falling aircraft on the way to the store to buy the lottery ticket, than you are of actually winning it.
i reckon its better to save the money and put it in a savings account rather then spend it on lottery tickets.
it's a better investment for retirement.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Statistically speaking you should only play the Irish lotto about 2 hours before the actual draw is made because otherwise you have more of chance of dying than winning the lotto.
yeh statistically, you are 10 times more likely to be killed by a falling aircraft on the way to the store to buy the lottery ticket, than you are of actually winning it.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)