Teamspeak - Do's & Don'ts

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Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Teamspeak - Do's & Don'ts
Last seen: 13 years 1 week ago

Plain and Simple...Dead Men Dont Speak!
So, you pretty much got it, use V-comms....

Alot of what your asking also depends on whats going one during the game...


Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
Re: Teamspeak - Do's & Don'ts

If the V-Commands cover it (e.g. Reloading, Covering,etc) best to use those, everyone can here them and it marks your position on team radar (we don't use radar on LOs). If keybinds cover it where the V-Comms don't and the message won't be easily drowned out, e..g 'FRAG, TAKE COVER!!!' or 'TANGO HEARD!!!', using the keybind has the advantage that everyone has a /chance/ to see it, but TeamSpeak is more flexible.

It's also frowned upon by most members, to report Tango positions to the living over TS. Although personally, if we've been on the map FOREVER, I tend to give a 'BEHIND YOU' every now and then when it is do or die.

The only big Do's and Don'ts:

  • Do use push to talk where available
  • Don't curse like a marine in combat
  • Don't give the password out to ANYONE.
  • Do try to be in the appropriate channel, e.g. Proving Grounds #1
  • Do remember that battle commu takes first priority during a round[/*]

And most importantly, if you have a Budgerigar -- buy everyone ear plugs Wink

Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago

Plain and Simple...Dead Men Dont Speak!
So, you pretty much got it, use V-comms....

This is a basic rule.

During missions, one must try to adhere to mission relevant communication in a format close to RL radio procedures -- short, clear and concise.

V-comms and keybinds can solve many comms issues in-game, and can be better to use for inexperienced.