If someone called "#Dg .|. Net" or something similar asks you into a chat room with him. Just say no.
Its not a virus, but its not nice.
Don't agree.
Mon, 25/08/2008 - 21:15
Don't agree.
is that on Rvs?
[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
be more specific, your'e not helping now
we dont know what we are up against
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Someone with a name roughly matching the regular expression '.*\.\s*Net$' XFired me during training with Caern tonight, with a lweb ink to 360aim or something like that, never bothered to click it as I was in game.
I told him XFire wasn't an advertising medium and I use Multi-network IM software >_>
He added me a week or 2 ago, seems normal enough, then decides to add yuo to a chat room, I entered and it was really loud, not pleasant, and must had been macroed for when someone entered the chat room.
It is simple:
--> only accept invitations to your friendslist from guys you know...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"