If you could have a complete set of weapons in real life (no restrictions), what would they be?
Pistol / SMG / Carbine / AR / SR / SG / LMG
For me, I think it would be
Pistol: Kimber Custom II (Basically an M1911).
Sub Machine Gun: H&K MP5, Fixed Stock.
Carbine: Carbine, Caliber .30, M1. (M1's had fixed stocks)
Assault Rifle / Rifle: I'd love a XM8.... but would probably have to go with the H&K G36K.
Sniper Rifle: Mauser Karabiner 98k, fitted with a modern scope if possible.
Shotgun: Any pump action would do but a Mossberg 590 would be nice.
Light Machine Gun / Squad Automatic Weapon: MG3, my favorite support weapon since I first encountered it in Ghost Recon.
If I ever had the money to take up shooting as a hobby. I would want to track down a decent Kar98K and learn to fire it with as much accuracy as a human could learn to with Iron Sights.
mp5, colt python, handgun 911, m4, army grenade (go out in style :P)
Pistol: M1911
Sub Machine Gun: M3A1 Grease gun
Carbine: M4
Assault Rifle / Rifle: M14
Sniper Rifle: M14NM (National Match) W/ M3A Leoupold
Shotgun: M4 Tactical 12 Ga.
Light Machine Gun / Squad Automatic Weapon: M60 (its a little heavy though, Any thing but the damn M249 Piece of junk)
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
yeah an mp5 machinepistol would be great. And as pistol i use the desert eagle or a glock 17 or a sig-sauer. Assult riffle i like the ak-47.
Pistol: FN Five/seven
Sub Machine Gun: MP5 navy
Carbine: M4
Assault Rifle / Rifle: F2000
Sniper Rifle: the AWP from counterstike
Pistol: Sig P229, P2000, Five-Seven
Sub Machine Gun: P90 LV, MP5K PDW with 'special' carry case
Assault Rifle: Sig 552
Sniper Rifle: PGM Mini-Hecate .338, M93 Black Arrow, PSG-1, Walter WA 2000
bah! The arctic warfare weapons are sooo impersonal and boring ... what's the fun with a sniper rifle if you only have to polish and oil it once in a decade ?
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Pistol: Glock 17
"That punk pulled a Glock 7 on me! You know what that is? It's a porcelain gun made in Germany. It doesn't show up on your airport X-ray machines, and it costs more than you make here in a month!" - Bruce Willis, Die Hard 2
Bruce, the Glock 7 doesnt exist. Glock doesnt make any porcelain guns. It does show up on airport X-ray machines. It`s from Austria, and no Glock costs more than 2000 dollars^^
Sub Machine Gun: HK Mp5A3 Navy
Carbine/Assault Rifle: HK 416 D145RS
Sniper Rifle: HK MSG 90
Shotgun: Franchi SPAS 12
Light Machine Gun: HK MG4 or FN Minimi
Haha Noer.
Well I've got my brain and my fists. so I have all I need
Pistol: Mk 23 w/silencer and tac light
SMG: M1928A1 Thompson
Carbine: H&K 416
SR: AI L96 AWP Magnum
SG: Benelli M3 Super 90
MG: M249 SAW
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Pistol: Glock 17 -- The balance in this plastic fantastic-gun is excellent, even better than the HK USP. The second shot in a double-tap is incredibly accurate.
SMG: HK MP5, fixed stock, iron sights, single shot-mode, mag clip for a double banana, fitted with flash light under the forearm grip -- Never miss the vital shot again.
AR/Sniper rifle: Modified HK G3 7.62 with a scope -- I like the stopping power in the calibre.
LMG: FN Minimi -- a robust and accurate led-spreader.
ill still just hide behind my AS-90
Ill be the one returning fire with my Howitzer
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I'm supprised no body has called this baby
I totally agree on the Glock Rouge
Its ability to fire the second shot that fast and that accurate is great. FSK are using the USP 40, and i actually wonder why... the USP has more recoil than the Glock, but on the plus side the USP is said to be a bit more accurate on further distances than the Glock 17. And furthermore they might feel more safe with a safetybutton on their handgun:D I actually miss that on the Glock.
I prefer to mount my Aimpoint Comp ml3 on the Mp5, I just aim incredibly more faster with it, especially in close quarters. Red dot on target, bang bang, target down.
I just need my BattelMaster
im sorry but to bring star wars into this the death star is far too old in technology and would have to go with the newer and better "Sun Crucher"
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
I prefer to point my left index finger on the target under the forearm grip, and poof -- it's down.
I have heard an explanation of the "point-and-shoot"-method -- the brain somehow follows the finger, but I can't recall the physiological details. It is almost the same phenomena as when you are driving a motorbike: If you fix your eyes on the "scary" telephone pole in the curve, you will hit it.
Maybe an interesting link concerning the
--> http://www.quickshoot.com/articles/martial.html
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
I actually use the M-68 CCO on my M-4 carbine, along with my index finger running along the front rail. Why not both. I wonder, does that make me twice as fast.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Pistol: H&K Mk. 23
Carbine: H&K G36K
AR: AK-74
SG: Benelli M4
War. War never changes...
Well, Duke have you ever seen equilibrium? I am an expert in the Gun Kata shown there, and the picture here shows a live drawing of me on a mission in!
Found that link some time ago but never had time to read it. Thanks for posting Duke other wise I never would've read it lol.
Equilibrium is an AWESOME movie -- if you think the Matrix was great, you ain't seen nothing yet.
PS: Nice to meet another reader; Shield but I missed the Jedi Academy Trilogy
How about the Halo 2 Scarab?