Im looking for a very bloody game with blood everywhere and guts and all that stuff a singleplayer game for teh computer if you know any please tell me
There is going to be only two hits my bullet hitting you and you hitting the floor
Im looking for a very bloody game with blood everywhere and guts and all that stuff a singleplayer game for teh computer if you know any please tell me
There is going to be only two hits my bullet hitting you and you hitting the floor
Soldier Of Fortune 2.
I've heard Aliens Vs Preditor fits that discription, part II I think but not sure.
I dont know about computer, but Gears of War for the XBox 360 is one of the goriest games i have ever played and it has one of the best story lines other than the first halo.
Sure, well if its just blood, gore and guts (plus low specs) then you can't go far wrong with Quake III (kinda my virtual stressball), or if your really daring try Doom II.
i play gears of war all the time at one of my good friends house i ahve 360 but i dont want to buy it so im just looking for computer
There is going to be only two hits my bullet hitting you and you hitting the floor
Same here, my nextdoor neighbor just got a 360 and we play it all the time. its a great game.
Get Half-Life 2 (the silver package, if that still exists). HL is an exellent game by it's own right, but then the mods expanded the replay value to infinitum.
i have half life and all that
There is going to be only two hits my bullet hitting you and you hitting the floor
If you have Half-Life, you don't really need any other games at all. Try these mods for the while being:
Garry's mod 9 (the higher versions are to be payed, but they're worth the money. 9 provides many hours of construction fun nonetheless)
SourceForts Build a base with your team and see whose base survives the ensuing CTF game.
Hidden Source One invisible man against a Recon team. Intense!
i have gmod 10 ive played hidden i didnt like it, but i want something thats really gory with guts and braisn coming out i have sims emergence but that wont cut it not gory enough
There is going to be only two hits my bullet hitting you and you hitting the floor
I myself like playing with another group of guys from the TmWrk (short for TeamWork) Clan on Battlefield 2142. When we get together we rock the house using our superior accuracy and tactical skillz!
Hello SAS
When it comes to games worth looking into, I would suggest an upcoming game thas looks cool. Check out the official website:
Thank you

Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran
A mix between Hitman and SC in a medieval theme.. looks interesting.