"I guess when they're not doing magic tricks with dollar bills, our soldiers are playing fun games with the local wild life. Watch was this GI plays chicken with a goat and his helmet."
"I guess when they're not doing magic tricks with dollar bills, our soldiers are playing fun games with the local wild life. Watch was this GI plays chicken with a goat and his helmet."
Reminds me of the movie BHD when Delta goes on Safari
Who says our GI's can't have some fun during R&R.
Hehehehehe I guess I'm not the only smoe crazy enough to do that.
I find such behaviour in uniform unprofessional and disgraceful.
SAS_not even an animal lover_Rouge :mad:
American soldiers arent the most clever in the world I gess
Ah Rouge, you can't expect a group of soldiers to entertain themselves at teaparties, right?
Pretty funny idea.
Maybe he would of been better with one of thise old helmets which has a spike on top of it.
Do you like any animal Rouge?
Virtually, I like the spiders and the different snakes, and a bird or two, amongst others.
Well the first thing to my mind would be BBQ goat, and get a couple kegs of ice cold beer to wash it down with.
yes JB i can get in to that
I hope that goat went on to kill him. What a tosser.
That's the difference between Special Forces and just plain infantry...
I'm going SpecOps when I get my enlistment cleared, and I would have my team pop that goat in the head, and roast him on a spit. Then I'd have command airdrop a couple crates of Newcastle, and we'd be set... Excellent idea JB.