It's a test of how well your web browser is at handling the standards. If you have "Default" browser settings (I never do) you should get a good recreation of how the browser does.
I've tried several browsers that support images, each browser has inperfect but good results and very custom settings which is very me. Tomrrow I want to try I,E.6 and AOL Explorer for the first time in ages (only security related changes to settings) to see how they handle it compared to Opera, Firefox, Seamonkey, and Konqueror.
As far as I know, Internet Explorer 6x/7b is about as CSS standards compliant as the suspects in flak jackets are.
I just ran it through I.E. (Changes to security/cookie settings) and AOL Explorer with no changes to it. It was both the same. Firefox, Konqueror and Opera both did a heck of allot better.
AOL/IE test
What it's supposed to look like is this
About AOL Explorer:
In 2003, AOL signed a seven-year contract with Microsoft to use Internet Explorer code in their products and as such AOL Explorer is based on Internet Explorer Technology. Because of this, users can use AOL Explorer to download and install updates from Microsoft Update. However, unlike Internet Explorer AOL does not use MSN Search as the default search engine.
huh? :eek2:
Please next time add the "Nerd Subject Warning", in the headline!
Haha Recon!
Spidey! Time to take Willow for a walk!
SAS_ :roll2: _Rouge
My point is, most web sites are designed for I.E., I.E. has ****ed up and ****ed on standards, it's fine with me if I.E. is most popular sure.
But when you screw with some world standards and tell others to take a hike, what the heck is the point of creating the most popular browser?
The other day I read about a site that reccomended I.E. users to download Mozilla if they had problems viewing the CSS elements.
To quote the book of mozila, "Their tags shall blink until the end of days."
Bring back any memories? Just think what people will say in a few years.