i saw that somewhere, dont remember where though. i agree a good weapon aginst terrorism which is about fear is to counter it with humor, but people get too up tight about certain issues anymore that we are all becoming vulcans
Really I never see adds and stuff, every time I sit down toa good movie I've got to get up every 10min inless it's the late show (usually an excuse to try a new action movie). So I don't watch much TV, and thats strange considering that I've been a couch potato since I was 3 or 4 years old hehe.
Why is it bad taste, Fury? It's a pretty good joke IMO.
It's a fact we're all becoming vulcans. In Belgium, some crazy man sued the parents of some children because they created to much noise on the playground next to his door!
Why is it bad taste, Fury? It's a pretty good joke IMO.
Well, it is funny. A very good joke, but then again, I'm not offended by much. Other Americans, on the other hand, would get their panties in a twist over this.
Lets go to the WHEEL OF OFFENCE! *cheers*
Lets see, this ad contains:
Suicide Bomber - For those familes who have lost loved ones over in Iraq/Afganistan.
A non-white Suicide Bomber - Sorry, can't have a middle eastern man blowing himself up. That would continue the stereotype of extremist Muslims. If it was a white guy doing it, there would be less of a problem.
And note, I'm not kidding at all about the second one. Someone would HONESTLY bring that up.
To many people have died in suicide bombs for them to be considered humor.
It is a funny joke, but also not one to play on TV where those who would be offended by it are going to see it.
Also the stereotype of Muslims all being extremists is a big problem and not one that should be under estimated.
Terrorism has ruined a huge number of lives and making it into some humor is not going to help those who it has affected.
This TV ad was obviously trying to be contraversal because that gets attention. Using such an issue to get that attention is disgraceful.
As for the people in Iraq and Afganistan, I really do not think the humor would help them in the case of them getting blown up. What they need is better protection, not for the general public to see suicide bombers as a joke.
Finally watched it, and it dosn't strike me as funny at all. Just stupid.
But then again, we tend to be brought up with the idea that your supposed to make to other poor SOB die for his country while you come home for family and beer
As opposed to blowing a huge fart and killing yourself when you can't get out of the care in time to catch your breath :sick:
ahh if thats the case fury i can also answer that one about the crazy americans with they are just that, crazy americans that are really just confused adn because they are confused ned to find some ground to stand on like how the brain dreams during sleep, it doesnt make sense later on, but at the time it does
An act of terrorism has several goals. One of them is to kill as many people as possible and another is to bring fear into your life, so it might prevent you from doing something you normally wouldn’t think twice about, like taking the subway or the bus. In short terms it will have a negative effect on your normal way of life.
Our best way to prevent an act of terrorism is of cause to increase the security. But increasing the security will not counter fear in the public I think it will more likely have the opposite effect.
Humor has the effect that it can tone down almost any fear.
Why shouldn’t we use humor as a weapon? When the terrorists are using fear.
I actually like that commerical and think it shouldn't be banned. They let professors in the states who teach Islamic studies who stand on the soap box that Bush's admin had bombed the WTC and not AQ and they've been protected by the freedom of speech. Yet people wish to shut down commericals who joshes at the terrorists by having one die without taking any innocents out. If the liberals are such pro-Freedom of Speech, isn't it a bit odd for them to censor and undermind groups that is a polar opposite or doesn't fall in line with their political views?
Momma always said never talk about politics it starts wars.
Me, I think their all a little to light on doing what their there for - To do what is right and best for the people. Rather then arguing till blue in the face about how to do it.
I think it is funny in a way........but i got to say furry is right about a lot people that would sue and do crazy stuff to stop the comercail from airring again........ :tired: :tired: :alien: :pimp:
I so think they could have made it better tough without the suicide bombing........ :laugh: :glasses:
Pïty that gets banned. Can't people take anything anymore?
lol its a shame, when one of the best weapons against terrorism is humor!
Yes, the ad is poor taste, but it is funny. But yup Recon, your right.
i saw that somewhere, dont remember where though. i agree a good weapon aginst terrorism which is about fear is to counter it with humor, but people get too up tight about certain issues anymore that we are all becoming vulcans
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
great news for the cotton wool industry though
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I'll have to watch it later then.
Really I never see adds and stuff, every time I sit down toa good movie I've got to get up every 10min inless it's the late show (usually an excuse to try a new action movie). So I don't watch much TV, and thats strange considering that I've been a couch potato since I was 3 or 4 years old hehe.
Why is it bad taste, Fury? It's a pretty good joke IMO.
It's a fact we're all becoming vulcans. In Belgium, some crazy man sued the parents of some children because they created to much noise on the playground next to his door!
Well, it is funny. A very good joke, but then again, I'm not offended by much. Other Americans, on the other hand, would get their panties in a twist over this.
Lets go to the WHEEL OF OFFENCE! *cheers*
Lets see, this ad contains:
Suicide Bomber - For those familes who have lost loved ones over in Iraq/Afganistan.
A non-white Suicide Bomber - Sorry, can't have a middle eastern man blowing himself up. That would continue the stereotype of extremist Muslims. If it was a white guy doing it, there would be less of a problem.
And note, I'm not kidding at all about the second one. Someone would HONESTLY bring that up.
To many people have died in suicide bombs for them to be considered humor.
It is a funny joke, but also not one to play on TV where those who would be offended by it are going to see it.
Also the stereotype of Muslims all being extremists is a big problem and not one that should be under estimated.
Terrorism has ruined a huge number of lives and making it into some humor is not going to help those who it has affected.
This TV ad was obviously trying to be contraversal because that gets attention. Using such an issue to get that attention is disgraceful.
As for the people in Iraq and Afganistan, I really do not think the humor would help them in the case of them getting blown up. What they need is better protection, not for the general public to see suicide bombers as a joke.
Finally watched it, and it dosn't strike me as funny at all. Just stupid.
But then again, we tend to be brought up with the idea that your supposed to make to other poor SOB die for his country while you come home for family and beer
As opposed to blowing a huge fart and killing yourself when you can't get out of the care in time to catch your breath :sick:
ahh if thats the case fury i can also answer that one about the crazy americans with they are just that, crazy americans that are really just confused adn because they are confused ned to find some ground to stand on like how the brain dreams during sleep, it doesnt make sense later on, but at the time it does
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
An act of terrorism has several goals. One of them is to kill as many people as possible and another is to bring fear into your life, so it might prevent you from doing something you normally wouldn’t think twice about, like taking the subway or the bus. In short terms it will have a negative effect on your normal way of life.
Our best way to prevent an act of terrorism is of cause to increase the security. But increasing the security will not counter fear in the public I think it will more likely have the opposite effect.
Humor has the effect that it can tone down almost any fear.
Why shouldn’t we use humor as a weapon? When the terrorists are using fear.
I actually like that commerical and think it shouldn't be banned. They let professors in the states who teach Islamic studies who stand on the soap box that Bush's admin had bombed the WTC and not AQ and they've been protected by the freedom of speech. Yet people wish to shut down commericals who joshes at the terrorists by having one die without taking any innocents out. If the liberals are such pro-Freedom of Speech, isn't it a bit odd for them to censor and undermind groups that is a polar opposite or doesn't fall in line with their political views?
Never trust a hermit with your cookie.
aren't politics srtictly forbidden at sasclan.org?
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Momma always said never talk about politics it starts wars.
Me, I think their all a little to light on doing what their there for - To do what is right and best for the people. Rather then arguing till blue in the face about how to do it.
I think you're politifying ethics wiz. Everything is politics, because politics is the way we handle everything as a society.
I think it is funny in a way........but i got to say furry is right about a lot people that would sue and do crazy stuff to stop the comercail from airring again........ :tired: :tired: :alien: :pimp:
I so think they could have made it better tough without the suicide bombing........
I also that it was funny. So was the "Bullocks" one. That is so true.
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!