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Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

Greetings SAS Officers and NCO''s...

I am not sure if this topic has been discussed before... If it has I could not find a thread about it... so here it goes...

If you think it suitable could the ability of "KICK" be granted to the trooper level members of SAS.

There has been several gaming circumstances whereby no admins were present and players refused to leave to make room for other SAS members who were also just Troopers or Recruits or PR''s...

This resulted in having to run votes to clear a spot... this has also happened when disruptive players are online and start TKing and no admin is present...

I dont think that "BAN" should be offered to Troopers (Definately not to Recruits or PR''s) but they should be able to "KICK" and then submit a report for the players that need banning...

This is just my thoughts...
